Phillips OBrien

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Phillips OBrien

Professor of Strategic Studies, Author, Lover of Sicily
Then we discuss Ukrainian attacks against on Russian military targets. Ukrainian strategy and reports that Putin wants a ceasefire. Also next time, we are hoping to have our first guest. Enjoy!
Been thinking about comparisons between Ukraine and strategy making in WWII--particularly as my new book on the subject is now very much on its way, even have a new cover.
All in all a week signifying greater European commitment to Ukraine while the US is dithering. For instance this week we saw.
And very interesting Zelensky tweet from the other place. He spoke with Macron today…and the next French package to Ukraine will supposedly have significantly increased firepower. The last few weeks might have scared some people straight
It was also fun to write because I got to go back to discuss Admiral William Leahy--who had some very surprising views on the subject.
It’s worth noting that the most shocking parts of the Jake Sullivan piece in Foreign Affairs published on Oct 2, were about the great successes of the administrations de-escalation policy in the MiddleEast, specifically Gaza! Text below
From the other place. Drones being used more and more for different tasks. Fascinating
The opportunity that has is clear. People are leaving Twitter in ever larger numbers. Hopefully Bluesky can scale up quickly.
A cogent and insightful summary of where Ukraine’s strategy may be heading for 2024.
U.K. Mod intelligence update today has some information on high Russian losses particularly mentions Avdiivka.
Ukrainians made some massive entries to their claims for Russian losses today. 55 new tanks and 120 APCs/IPCs. Looks like they were able to do a proper scan of the Avdiivka battle area and the Russians there were really mauled. 10 days ago this was supposed to herald a new Russian success...
And once again, when one of Putin's supposed red lines is crossed how do the Russians react--by downplaying the incident and trying to pretend its no big deal. Its like watching the same stupid movie over and over again.
The last point I feel very strongly about. In this time of horrors, what Ukraine is doing is worthy of our deepest respect and gratitude.
Can people with a better understanding of Saudi foreign policy decipher this for me.
I did an experiment this morning, and I think I can say the results say Twitter is in big trouble. I put identical tweets out here and Twitter to test user interaction. Results were stunning. Even though I have 60 times many followers on Twitter, I saw only 4 times as much interaction as on Bluesky
Twitter (below) with 109 retweets and 436 likes. Bluesky with 20 retweets and 97 likes. So much more activity per user here.
You know in real life Trump would be thinking, whose the weird hippie standing too close to me?
Here is a section of the March article.
End of feed.