
New commentary piece in the @WSJ . The lack of ranged weapons for Ukraine supplied by the administration is now ridiculous, with Russia bombarding Ukraine anywhere it wants. Does the administration actually want Ukraine to win the war?
Opinion | Does Biden Want Ukraine to Win? By not arming Kyiv for a long-range campaign against Russia, the U.S. seems to be forcing a deal.
Thank you very much. In a sane world, the GOP would use your awesome piece to hammer Biden! They’d be competing on who could give the most to Ukraine! But instead putin cast a spell on the GOP by simply using the empty magic words “traditional values”🤮 #NAFO
It is frustrating even when funded to see the Biden administration hold back necessary weapons systems with excused not wanting a wider war but you can’t have it both ways and republicans are failing on an even bigger level by treating Ukraine like just another political football. 🏈
The more pro-Ukraine content in right-wing spaces that GOP Senators and Congressman currently blocking a large tranche of aid to Ukraine occasionally read, the better.
Thank you for sharing the article.
Why would the US prefer Ukraine to negotiate away its Russia-held territories? If it's to end the war, does this not ignore the fact that Putin has never been satisfied? I guess it could give P an 'out' to say he's succeeded - for now. But unless he's ousted/dies, seems like it'd be can-kicking.
Thank You for writing this piece. A counterweight to what Richard Haass is proposing with his “Redefining Success in Ukraine” is sorely needed.
A simple yet important message that needed to be sent - if we know - and have long known - what Ukraine needs to effectively strike Russia, then why is that capability being withheld? It is either malice or incompetence, and neither should be forgivable.
It was never about helping Ukraine win the war, it’s all a political game between US and russia, and Ukraine is the battlefield.. USA has lost its credibility, Europe needs to get rid off from them as well, i hope that everyone understands that no one can rely on them, too many proofs since 24.02.22
#RussiaIsATerroristState committing a full-scale genocide in plain sight. It is our duty towards Humanity to help 🇺🇦 win the war. 🇪🇺 can and must do much more for 🇺🇦 victory ! War production NOW, and free the #Taurus at last 🙏🔥 #SlavaUkraïni 🇪🇺✊🇺🇦