
Was a little overwhelmed by feedback to the Wall Street Journal article Some people were rather surprised I would question whether the Biden Administration wants Ukraine to win the war. Just wrote a substack explaining why—and answering some of the criticisms.
New commentary piece in the @WSJ . The lack of ranged weapons for Ukraine supplied by the administration is now ridiculous, with Russia bombarding Ukraine anywhere it wants. Does the administration actually want Ukraine to win the war?
Opinion | Does Biden Want Ukraine to Win? By not arming Kyiv for a long-range campaign against Russia, the U.S. seems to be forcing a deal.
Why would I write that WSJ article? Because not being a MAGA Populist doesn't keep you from making disastrous choices
I can imagine why the WSJ would print it, but regardless think it's an important and necessary contribution. Instead of the anonymous sources, horse race politics and vested interests of so many others, you clearly and correctly state what Ukraine needs and what not providing this could mean. Bravo!
It needed to be said. Biden can still bypass congress using a lend-lease prerogative. Is that not the case?
For a while now you've been supposing Biden's intentions without providing any evidence to support your suppositions.
Evidence is in the actions. Words are cheap. Pay attention to what people do, not what people say, and things become a lot clearer.
The issue he's discussing is not about what people do or don't do. We all wish the US would provide more. It's about WHY they're doing what they're doing. Which we can never know, and to think that we do is hubris.
It's is ABSOLUTELY about what is done/not done. There is nothing else. The Biden administration's policies are about effecting results and outcomes. It is obvious they have avoided providing Ukraine with the specific capabilities necessary to defeat Russia - or even push it out of Crimea. 1/2
That has been the Biden administration policy. Policy refelcts intentions, goals, desired outcomes. The Biden administration only wanted to get Putin to the negotiation table by convincing him he cannot win. But they've shown no intention of allowing Ukraine to win either. 2/2
Sorry friend but u r making the same intellectual mistake as O'Brien. You think you know what they're thinking. None of us know what other pressures Biden is weighing, or why he's doing what he's doing. I've worked in govt on a small scale. What seems simple to ppl on the outside often isn't.
Too bad the explanation of your article is behind a paywall. Does not make your position more clear or convincing (I have no opinion, I haven't read the initial news yet but would tend to agree to the title)