
Hi All, Just sent out a rather unexpected thought piece on Substack. Is it time for Europe and the US to go their own ways on security…and would that actually be a good thing?
Is it time now for Europe to go its own way? As a long-time believer in the centrality of the US-European alliance, I'm starting to have doubts
Certainly Europeans need to take their security far more seriously. What Europeans often fail to recognize is that the simple fact of European prosperity is an existential threat to the Putin regime, Putin will never really be at peace with a flourishing EU next door.
Europe becoming a second democratic military super-power seems like a good idea. We need more democratic super powers.
I'm not surprised he thinks like that, but I'm kind of shocked he just said it that clearly.
The USA have consistently used war to pump up their economy. I fail to understand why European governments never saw this as an opportunity to drive their economies. Europe suffers from a clear lack of political leadership and vision.
Long past time that Europe takes responsibility fir its own destiny.