Beth P

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Beth P

Geek by nature, nerd by profession, rabid reader by choice. Will dance if there's a beat. Will sing along if I know the words. She/her/hers.
Former Student Makes Professor Tear Up First Thing in the Morning Seriously, though, notes like this really help get me through the occasional bad day. Reach out to folks who have had positive impacts on your life and let them know!
I've seen some that definitely achieve sexy, like the Katrina Jackson book shown here that started quite a pearl-clutching discourse on the bird site last summer. I should note that this is a special edition cover, not the wide-release cover.
Reporting in (a few days early) with my top reads from the first half of 2024. Criteria: --⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating by me --Made me actively resent any activity that kept me from reading it and/or renewed my membership in the Bad Decisions Book Club. --Read Jan 1-June 20, 2024
The programming does not match the schedule. 😭😭
Last year's Book Bonanza was responsible for my one viral tweet: the special edition cover of Katrina Jackson's Office Hours started some discourse.
Among those items are the following things I made: an afghan, a throw, and some little octopus friends. 🧶
GOOD MORNING! We've zoomed past our first 100 items in the 24 hours since the form opened, and are overwhelmed and excited as usual! Fortunately, our highly trained team of volunteers are already hard at work. If you have any questions, feel free to email or @ us!
I don't dance in heels, but these tap shoes are AMAZING!
Happy National Tap Dance Day!
Currently crocheting an army of tiny octopi and finishing a second afghan.
Spring evaluations are up. Not a single "rude, mean, or condescending" in the bunch! I am definitely "passionate." And here's the open comment that made my eyes a little damp:
Are you ready for your local libraries summer reading program? I have a note on my calendar so that I remember to pick up a reading log on Tuesday after work. 🤓
your early PSA that most public libraries have excellent summer reading programs that are getting ready to launch, many for ALL ages. Please support your local library by participating. #Romancelandia
Please let me know if you don't want this information, but the account is no longer suspended and the hacker has changed the account handle.
I love the Order of the White Rat and Bishop Beartongue. #AmReading Paladin's Faith by T. Kingfisher
As a Professor of Instruction (no research, teaching only) I'm never an "official" mentor, but Shayne was my TA for so many semesters (starting in 2019) that I claim her and she claims me.
At the symphony with my cousin!
Current 🧶 project: little octopuses!
My signed copy of One More Valentine! #WorthTheWait
45 trips around the sun completed! #BirthdayGirl
Bi Pride Flower Sparkle Afghan is coming along. Here are 9 of the 15 completed squares. Finished product will (probably) have 36 squares.
DH, home with a cold and watching Dune, made me LOL with this text. (Context: I'm a Biology prof who often laments that some of my students don't use the provided exam review to prepare.)
If you see this, post a picture from your device without any explanation.
If you see this, post a picture from your device without any explanation.
You've been kidnapped. The characters from the last tv show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you? The getaway will be fast.
You've been kidnapped. The characters from the last tv show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you?
DSO's Uptown Nights was so good! Leo Manzari, Carmen Bradford, and Byron Stripling are phenomenal. Thank you Jeff Tyzik for bringing in such talented artists in the Pops series!
Saw Dallas Theater Center's excellent production of Jonathan Norton's fantastic new play "I Am Delivered't" today. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ See it if you can!
Me and food delivery robot feel this.
About to be rollin'... rollin'.... rollin' on the river!
I have discovered my level of vanity and it is "not looking ridiculous in lecture recording thumbnails". Thank you IT folks for giving us the ability to edit these.
My cousin loves this gnome I made for her.