Beth P

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Beth P

Geek by nature, nerd by profession, rabid reader by choice. Will dance if there's a beat. Will sing along if I know the words. She/her/hers.
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We're about to post our way to $1,000,000 raised for voting rights. lol
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
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A fun number for you before I cartwheel away to bed: 1,129 of you won a total of 3,273 items between you!
My afghan, throw, and 6 little octopus friends raised $340 dollars for Romancing the Vote!
I just got back from dinner to find that y'all have broken the auction site. 😂
We appear to have broken @32auctions again. Our bad.
I've been outbid, but you can still outbid others or snatch up a Buy It Now for another six hours!
There's only 24 hours left in the Romancing the Vote 2024 auction! How are everyone's bids faring? I'm still in the running for one thing!
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
There's only 24 hours left in the Romancing the Vote 2024 auction! How are everyone's bids faring? I'm still in the running for one thing!
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
If it's super hot where you live right now, this throw can be decorative until it's needed for warmth. Current bid in the Romancing the Vote 2024 auction is $76.
Bi Pride Rose Trellis Sparkle Auction item 'Bi Pride Rose Trellis Sparkle Throw' hosted online at 32auctions.
Have you checked your spice cabinet lately? Are you in need of a restock? Penzey's Spices has some great deals and promos right now. This isn't sponsored content. I just really like Penzey's and just placed an order.
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If listening to knowledgeable people discuss things they are passionate about is something you like, I've got two recommendations that I'm currently enjoying: 1) Black Romance Has a History podcast hosted by and Katrina Jackson and
"Someone testing someone else's proxy bid like a raptor testing the fences" might be one of my favorite phrases to come out of this year's auction. Join in the fun (and maybe get something awesome) at
One of the most addictive parts of any auction is the BidFeed that scrolls as bids come in. I love it when a bidding war breaks out, or you can watch someone testing someone else's proxy bid like a raptor testing the fences. LOL
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
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“It’s for democracy!” I whisper to myself as I continue to buy/bid on auctions like budgets are mere suggestions. 😂
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Good morning, Bsky. Yesterday was bad. The world is terrifying. Here’s what I’m going to do today and I invite you to join me: *drink water *pet a dog *take a walk *tell people I love them *donate to to support voting rights
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
While the little octopus friends are sold out, there's still two blankets I crocheted in the auction. The Bi Pride Rose Trellis Sparkle Throw is still a really good deal!
Bi Pride Rose Trellis Sparkle Auction item 'Bi Pride Rose Trellis Sparkle Throw' hosted online at 32auctions.
My little crochet octopus friends sold out in 3 minutes!
Hey look! I made these!
More Buy It Nows? MORE BUY IT NOWS! Since y'all seem in the mood for cute little friends, what if... cute little octopus friend?
I'll be under sedation when this goes live but I'm looking forward to seeing how wild it's gotten by the time I'm able to be online.
Are you logged in to 32auctions? Have you got your watchlist ready? Have you been exercising that bidding finger? Two hours until the auction opens!!! http://auction.roman...
*gasp* This is the most gorgeous version of an book I've ever seen!
We were super excited when we got the pictures of this one last night!!! You can see a video of someone admiring this beauty here: Only 500 exist!!! Who will get this one?
Special Edition The Fifth Season by N.K. Auction item 'Special Edition The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin' hosted online at 32auctions.
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There was some discussion about what our 2024 magnet would say, but at the end of the day there was one thing we felt very strongly about. 💗
Look at all the awesome stuff!!
THE AUCTION SITE IS LIVE!!! http://auction.roman... If you don't see your item, don't panic! We're still finalizing items! You can still donate new items until Friday at http://form.romancin... Go admire the talent & make your evil plans!
🎉 New book celebration! 🎉
Not to alarm anyone, but I have written a book and will tell you all about it and have preorder links this Wednesday night. For now I will say: it’s Wedgeford #3, and the title ends with “n’t”.
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Here are just a few things I have finalized auctions on this morning! 👀
I truly enjoy hearing/reading/watching people discussing things they are passionate about. This post brought to you by my appreciation for (Word Suitcase) and (Weekly Tea) periodically delivering such content directly to my inbox.
This project is almost halfway to its goal. Maybe check it out and see if you're interested? $13 for a virtual ticket to a live streamed performance.
Also, night crowd! Still Pride Month! Help this new production company move the needle on LET'S MISBEHAVE, a queer, trans, Jazz-Age romp of joy & community. Sweet & saucy, this show has virtual tix! Is completely independent! AND Equity Compliant!! Which is why we need your help:
Let's A Queer Jazz-Age Romp coming to the Foundry, Cambridge MA
Reporting in (a few days early) with my top reads from the first half of 2024. Criteria: --⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating by me --Made me actively resent any activity that kept me from reading it and/or renewed my membership in the Bad Decisions Book Club. --Read Jan 1-June 20, 2024
In case you are considering donating to Romancing the Vote, but have questions. If your question isn't answered here, ask the RtV volunteers. They are super kind!
Doing a round-up of some FAQs today! 1) Do you accept books/media outside of romance? YES! The auction was founded by romance authors & readers, but we have ALWAYS welcomed amazing support from outside the genre, especially our SFF, mystery, & thriller friends! Genre pals stick together!
Whatcha reading? I'm currently inhaling Jessie Mihalik's Books & Broadswords Vol 1. #Romancelandia
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sharpen your knives, friends! :D two weeks until we brawl!
I sent in my forms, so now I can relax and start contemplating how I’m going to (lovingly) stab all of you in the back to get my favorite items when the auction starts on July 1!
Stayed up past my bedtime to watch the #TonyAwards. Worth it.
That fight sequence in The Outsiders performance was impressive! #TonyAwards
I hope Suffs tours and comes to Dallas! #TonyAwards