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i'm pretty chill until i'm not. wannabe music producer. he/him. 18+ please
some of the dumbest takes i've heard come from people who took a course in political science
i don't know who is gonna see this but what controller layout is your favorite with modern consoles? personally when i play games on pc that are more suited for a gamepad, i just want a playstation style controller. xbox style is good for me too but playstation style is like my home base
the specific-ness is of it seems a little comedic at times
i'm just gonna drop this here because it's kinda.. not inaccurate from what i've seen
when i see someone type shite unironically i want to take a shite on their front porch
tomato and lettuce on burger? why? i like tomatoes and am ok with lettuce but what are they doing on a burger?
i've always been like an amateur tech repair guy to people i know but i understand how frustrating it must be as an everyday job. trying to talk to my friends and get relative information out of them so i understand what's wrong with their device is hard. even we normally communicate well otherwise
i don't need anymore friends than i got but go make a friend that owns a soldering iron, has all the security screw bits and has been inside of some gaming consoles or something. it can save you a lot of money lol
i saw the album cover for the new eminem album and i said to someone "the mans face is literally someone's dick about to pop out from the zipper hole"
a good simple transitional trick in music with a common 4/4 time signature is a little section that does a 2/4 and runs immediately back to 4/4. i feel like a lot of people making electronic music don't know they can do this lol
they actually let me pack this thing to work and me and our little work crew take turns connecting and bumping it all night
it's crazy because i have still never had anyone i know from work or anything say something like this. you can tell Helen probably does not have a job and should probably get a better hobby
okay I don’t know who needs to hear this but it’s finally time to Stop Punishing yourself for what other people did to you
i feel like original cheez its are one of the best easy snacks when you're drinking. also doesn't leave powdery and kinda sticky residue on your fingers unless you go with one of the many powdery variations they sell
my best friend telling me about getting railed today while I'm just trying to not get a damn heat stroke in this weather
i kinda looked a few times i can't really find anything on the summer steam sale that's interesting to me that i don't already own this summer sale is a little meh for me this year
actually the more i'm looking the more i'm finding good games i already own marked down. this isn't actually a bad sale i just own too many damn games lol. like damn the witcher 3 is like $3.99. even persona 3 reload the newish game i'm playing now is marked down to $48.99 (i paid the full $69.99)
Stray is my favorite yuri vn (i have never actually played a yuri vn)
there's some practical uses for ai but honestly i would support trying to stick it back into pandora's box even though that won't work
get you a sexy man shirtless and playing the handpan water fountain bouncing beams all over his suntan
heard from a coworker just 20 minutes ago about how they were touched by a preacher when they were young and that's not even the first time I've heard this from someone this year
states rights should be stuff that doesn't take away human rights. that's where i think states rights needs to end and federal rights should begin. if you think states should be allowed to ban abortion or take away trans rights then i sincerely oppose your idea of state rights
instead of a presidential debate, they should have a competition figuring out educational toys for toddlers
i gotta find another youtube adblocker i just got hit with a Kamala Harris jumpscare
yeah i'm as bit of a hater. i've seen enough shit to be a bit of a hater
not many people saw goatse, but everyone who did went on to start their own butthole