#1 Meatbag Disintegrator

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#1 Meatbag Disintegrator


clicking around the first generation of google maps images in rural minnesota..looks like backgrounds from an old point and click mystery game
Farage is gonna get his ear cut off by Starmer or something I guess?
ah yes reservoir dogs, in which things famously go great for the characters
Uh. There are definitely more colleges in MI than prisons. Kinda wonder what definitions they're using here.
this is so fucked
if biden loses michigan, i refuse blame the people who cannot bring themselves to vote for anyone who supports and covers up an ethnic cleansing. but i will blame biden because he’s the one in power. i will not hold arab & muslim americans to an ethical standard we hold no other americans to.
From an editor of the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research: Indirect deaths (starvation, disease, etc) claim 3–15x the lives as direct conflict. A conservative 4x estimate = 186,000 Gazans — about a tenth of the population — dead. Killed by Israel and the US. www.thelancet.com/journals/lan...
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essentialwww.thelancet.com By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
rubbing my fingers on a cybertruck to get the garlic smell off them
The best demonstration of the skewed reality of the internet is "Hear me out" posts (meaning, "I know this celebrity is hideous but I actually find her attractive because I'm a FREAK!"), over the weekend I've seen one on X and one on reddit where the subject was Colby Minifie:
when this was going around on twitter women's were all like "the squid man from baldur's gate" and men's were like "a jewish woman"
The best demonstration of the skewed reality of the internet is "Hear me out" posts (meaning, "I know this celebrity is hideous but I actually find her attractive because I'm a FREAK!"), over the weekend I've seen one on X and one on reddit where the subject was Colby Minifie:
Haha weird they used the definition almost verbatim but didn't use the phrase! Wonder why nature would do that.
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | CNNwww.cnn.com Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
I feel like Michigan can do the funniest possible thing right now and join the NPVIC, giving their Electoral College votes to the popular vote winner.
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
That tabloid writer in Eorzea making headlines like “Dragons are space aliens and Catholics won’t let you fuck them”
Love when a piece of fiction is like, actually our dragons are alien refugees from another planet who were chased here by a pissed off robot crab, accidentally created catholicism, then started a fight with it until a heretic schism happened because one lady really, really wanted to fuck a dragon.
Daily bunny no.2542 is out on a calm empty sea
Doom should have between level rest zones where horny devil girls with Brittany Murphy voices hang out with Doomguy like 'how ya doin' today, hon?'
Telling people that this character is not Ichi elicits the same reaction as telling people that Play That Funky Music White Boy is sung from the perspective of the white boy being told to play the funky music, not the people telling the white boy to play the funky music
I keep seeing references made to 'leftists' who 'want 45 to win.' Who are these leftists? Are they strangers on the internet? I just don't see this. No one I know on the Left(s) is pro-45. I know some reactionary *moderates* who are though.
I am in desperate need of a way to block the nematodes that are swarming everywhere lately, I am going insane. I can't keep up.
The fans r so crazy to him and he doesn’t care lmao
🌱Fairy's gift✨ 2/2
🌱Fairy's gift✨ 1/2
The dead knight and the nymph who does not understand that he is dead 🍃
Dedicated to everyone who fell in love unrequited. 💔
Oh yeah, these are going on the stop signs in the neighborhood
PSA America It's Lord Baron Pissgammon-Cuntingsby Habsburg-Syphilis Minge-Upon-Shite Pigfuckington, or (the) Lord Shitminge, or just the surname. It's not "Lord Pigfuck" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "Mr. Pigfuck" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Bad.
In a Joanne Fabrics, my niece, who just turned nine, pulled a ream of sheer black fabric over her head and goes, “Why officer, I have no idea what happened to my husband.” She’s my favorite child.
This is my favorite kind of paneling. My smidge of a college education is in animation and getting to flex those keyframe muscles makes me so happy. Rising Sand is really freakin good. Please read this comic that @glitchritual.com and I grind up our hand bones for. <3 risingsand.glass ☀️
Whyyyyyy am I seven years old?? I'm literally crying right now.
There’s a New Message for You in MyChart, Charlie Brown