
Not a complicated series of dominoes I guess, but weird to think that the idea for Night Vale, and thus making a living as a writer for over a decade, started with being invited to a Something Awful staff trip in Vegas, and not having enough money to fly there so I drove
I had not spent a lot of time in the desert before then, and driving through the landscape made a huge impression on me that came bubbling back up as an idea four years later
This isn't surprising to me, as someone who has also done a few car trips from Colorado through Utah and Nevada. Weird spaces.
Me looking around to find the ATM I heard was on the second of my college's campus center > every relationship, hobby, and project I've had ever since.
(second floor is where the TTRPG nerds hung out. They literally grabbed me and pulled me into a room like it was a hit job)
Let me guess, they needed someone to play a cleric?
Nah they thought I was a different watery-eyed nerd boy. When it was revealed I was someone different, it didn't change things much. We're pretty interchangeable. THEN i rolled up a cleric.
I remember DMing a game where every time a new player showed up, the party tried to get them to play a cleric. It sometimes worked.
That's such a cool story! I am many years behind on Night Vale but its fucked-up desert lives in my heart too now. I put it on in the car to scare the kids.
I don't know if you're already listening to Worst of All Possible Worlds podcast but it sounds like you'd make an incredible guest. They've already had luminaries like Josh Sawyer and Elias Toufexis on, and I believe Brian lived in Arizona, although it could be AJ.
I wrote for something awful and was a mod
I was never there but a bunch of my friends and a bunch of people I follow are former members
When Nightvale first came out, I heard about it first on the forums, and specifically because some of the early episodes featured music during the "Weather" segment by other forum members.
Welcome to Night Vale is certainly a far better legacy for that site to leave than 4chan
This feels like a legend out of the liminal spaces between Deep Internet Lore and the Age of Podcast. And the liminal space between Barstow and Vegas.
It's kind of crazy the number of stories like yours that begin with SA and its forums.
Listened to nightvale for years and only *now* i learn youre a fellow goon. God. We get everywhere
The world is better for it!
Making a Twitter account in 2012 because “I have no reason not to” ➡️ operating a particle accelerator in Canada in 2017. Now in 2024, I have every reason not to have an account there 🤣
Watching season two of chef's table on Netflix 6.5 years ago led me to now being a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu