Andrew Brown

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Andrew Brown

Opinion-haver at Indie reviewer of indie videogames. Your post reminds me of a Simpsons episode. he/him
We have two! And they survived Covid!
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#AndrewBeatsVideogames 2024 #57 Forges of Corruption Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun Nintendo Switch
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
#AndrewBeatsVideogames 2024 #57 Forges of Corruption Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun Nintendo Switch
Quarterworld Arcade on the far east end of Hawthorne. There's also Ground Kontrol near the Pearl District downtown.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
He flat out says "this movie sucks." I don't like it in spite of itself. I actually like it.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Uhhh I really don't like the viewpoint of this essay. It's okay to like the silly movie.
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Happy #indie Sunday! This week's review is for Vernal Edge, a non-linear platformer. I play as Vernal who is on a quest for revenge across an archipelago of flying islands created by a mad scientist's experiments. It has good ideas but I have to force my way through a lot of irritance to find them.
Vernal Edge The more I play Vernal Edge, the more I come to enjoy it, but it takes far too much effort to tease out those kernels.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Also, a general reminder that if you like indie games, wishlisting them before release and leaving a thumbs up review after you play them can have an outsize impact on a small dev!
On Bluesky? My keyboard has always gone berserk here no matter how many times Frazee says they fixed it.
My favorite Roland Emmerich movie is the one where a quippy badass military guy teams up with a nervous scientist who is more heroic than he first seems.
One thing that's great about Independence Day is how despairing and hopeless the first half is and how triumphant and hopeful the second half is. I hope this is a simile.
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Liz Truss has gone! Labour took the seat! By just 600 votes!
It remains a shame we never got a full Will Smith/Jeff Goldblum buddy movie. The last 30 minutes of Independence Day are magic.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
This movie still looks fantastic. Practical effects! This might be the last big budget special effects movie before computer generated effects really took over.
You may enjoy fireworks on July 4th and that's cool. This is how I annually recognize the US's declaration of independence.
Julius is just one of the best movie dads.
You may enjoy fireworks on July 4th and that's cool. This is how I annually recognize the US's declaration of independence.
I normally watch all the Legal Eagle videos but my emotional stability demands I give this one a pass. I have a job I need to continue to be valuable at, I have personal interests that enrich my life. I know things are fucked. I don't need to watch a video about it.
Incredible. These people really are psychopaths, in the clinical, non-judgmental term.
Wankers Corners is fine but in Portland we have a major street called "Couch Street." It's pronounced "Cooch."
In hindsight Brexit in June 2016 felt like a canary in a coal mine for the 2016 election. Hopefully today's news out of the UK is a similar presage.
It gets so much better when you get out of the flat and featureless early areas.
My goal for the year was 52 new pieces for the website. 51 reviews, 1 end of year top 5 listicle, 26 reviews of 2024 releases. At this point I think reaching this goal in spite of *everything* will be a greater accomplishment than actually meeting the goal. That probably doesn't make sense.
Wednesday nnight and I haven't even chosen what indie game I'm going to review next week, let alone started it. The news is really bringing me down to where I can't do the things I enjoy doing. Oh, there's DLC out for Warhammer 40k Boltgun? Neato.
Wednesday nnight and I haven't even chosen what indie game I'm going to review next week, let alone started it. The news is really bringing me down to where I can't do the things I enjoy doing. Oh, there's DLC out for Warhammer 40k Boltgun? Neato.