Andrew Brown

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Andrew Brown

Opinion-haver at Indie reviewer of indie videogames. Your post reminds me of a Simpsons episode. he/him
Wankers Corners is fine but in Portland we have a major street called "Couch Street." It's pronounced "Cooch."
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Happy #indie Sunday! This week's review is for Vernal Edge, a non-linear platformer. I play as Vernal who is on a quest for revenge across an archipelago of flying islands created by a mad scientist's experiments. It has good ideas but I have to force my way through a lot of irritance to find them.
Vernal Edge The more I play Vernal Edge, the more I come to enjoy it, but it takes far too much effort to tease out those kernels.
In hindsight Brexit in June 2016 felt like a canary in a coal mine for the 2016 election. Hopefully today's news out of the UK is a similar presage.
My goal for the year was 52 new pieces for the website. 51 reviews, 1 end of year top 5 listicle, 26 reviews of 2024 releases. At this point I think reaching this goal in spite of *everything* will be a greater accomplishment than actually meeting the goal. That probably doesn't make sense.
Wednesday nnight and I haven't even chosen what indie game I'm going to review next week, let alone started it. The news is really bringing me down to where I can't do the things I enjoy doing. Oh, there's DLC out for Warhammer 40k Boltgun? Neato.
Wednesday nnight and I haven't even chosen what indie game I'm going to review next week, let alone started it. The news is really bringing me down to where I can't do the things I enjoy doing. Oh, there's DLC out for Warhammer 40k Boltgun? Neato.
Since we're spending all our time endlessly repeating the same arguments, let's also renew "is Dave the Diver an indie game" from last year. 10
Been trying to refrain from sharing political stories on here because it's very bad for my brain and everybody else is doing such a great job of spreading this stuff around, but: Jesus Christ.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Surprised no-one's done this one yet.
Most of the clothes in my closet are from pre-covid so I finally went to the outlet store today to buy new work/dress shirts. I'm up to an XXL now. My old shirts are all Ls. That's an exciting milestone to reach in life.
OTHER ORG: We don't trust these sensitive documents in email so we sent them by fax and mailed them to you. ME: 😐
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
jazz jackrabbit, advert shown upon exit of the shareware version, excerpt, dos (1994)
Finally got a lock for my bike (I am a *master* procrastinator) and I am increasingly dissatisfied with social media for human interaction so now I'm thinking of spending Saturday evenings at the local barcade, I dunno maybe that's just a different kind of sad and lonely.
God they let just anybody post anything to YouTube.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
I’m actively looking to expand our pool of experienced freelance video game reviewers at GamesRadar+ — folks with several bylines under their belt already. If that’s you, drop me a line with links to previously published reviews: rollin.bishop at futurenet dot com
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Roland Emmerich's Independence Day was released 28 years ago today.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
i just want to take a moment to remind everyone that when you’re feeling despair it’s time to take a step back, go find something beautiful, and stare at it until you remember how much there is in this world that’s worth fighting for
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Somehow I didn't realize when I ordered these that they would have Japanese branding on them. I've ordered games from other regions before and they've had english text on the spines. Or, you know, these cheap bastards could just release these games globally instead of forcing collectors to import.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Up today at GameCritics, a thoughtful piece from on Dragon Age: The Veilguard, toxic fandoms, nostalgia and expectations. This is why we can't have nice things. #videogames #dragonage #theveilguard
Happy #indie Sunday! This week's review is for Vernal Edge, a non-linear platformer. I play as Vernal who is on a quest for revenge across an archipelago of flying islands created by a mad scientist's experiments. It has good ideas but I have to force my way through a lot of irritance to find them.
Vernal Edge The more I play Vernal Edge, the more I come to enjoy it, but it takes far too much effort to tease out those kernels.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Happy #indie Sunday! This week's review is for Hauntii, a puzzle adventure through a monochromatic afterlife. Its delicate handdrawn art that weave starlight into all its environments is mesmerizing. This does little to elevate its simple, repetitive puzzles. It's a slog to play.
Hauntii Hauntii is pretty to look at but a repetitive slog to play.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
A new So Videogames is up! Episode 395 covers: In this episode, Brad covers: Shadow of the Erdtree Frogue ArcRunner Racine Rusted Moss Fireside Space Crew Bomber Crew …And more!
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Brown
Human beings were not intended to be subjected to unfiltered constant commentary about everything they do or don't do. Yet this is the age of uninterrupted comments as humans are called "content" and "accounts". It's good to actively ignore 99% of them especially from strangers.
Weird how all the accounts really stirring the pot in the replies about Biden dropping out have zero followers and zero posts. Probably just a coincidence.