
Man I hope the people I'm giving writing advice understand that most of it is just me attempting to codify the fact that as a self-taught author I do EVERYTHING (everything, everything) by intuition. ALL I am doing when I write is putting down a sentence, cocking my head to listen, adjusting it.
Me: So I hit this paragraph Me: And it said BWAAAAANNNNNGGGG when I wanted it to sound like BWONNNNNNGGGG Me: So I'm gonna tune it a little bit Me: And then I will send it to my editor and he will say "What??" but that's his problem at that point
"The standing stones fell, and their golden shadows were crushed beneath them." A pedant: Shadows can't be golden! They're where cast light DOESN'T fall! What are you talking about! We'll sue! Reader: I don't understand what you just said Me: The sentence needed 'golden' to fill the gap I'M SORRY
but. . . but. . . I can picture golden shadows perfectly in my brain. . .
sorry I am already mixing the watercolors in my head
shadows can be any color! Even if it’s a relatively darker area, the substrate and ambient light have the entire spectrum of light available to them
yes!! I bet I could find you an excellent painting tutorial on instagram within 10 minutes with some gorgeous golden shadows I mean, I get that it's metaphor and rhythm as well, but your brain does not always process *visual* colors literally either
The Witness has plenty of good examples