
“Fascism sucks up power left unattended” deserves to be carved over the entrances to grand public buildings
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
i'd also add "fascists don't relinguish that which was willingly handed to them"
This is why voting should be mandatory for all citizens, even if it's to vote to "not vote", you still need to at least fill that option out on a ballot.
There are good arguments for that. It’s how it works in Australia, and I’d love to see an informed discussion of its effect on Australian politics, if any.
Same. I'm convinced a good number of "red states" would actually be blue if not for voter apathy, and that includes gerrymandering. Half of Florida's voters stayed home two yrs ago and DeSantis was allowed to keep power.
I think a lot of the apathy comes from the gerrymandering.
That and states making it difficult to vote. If we have mandatory voting we need to make it as easy as possible to vote. They keep trying to shorten early voting hours here in NC, plus the voter ID bill passing without commensurate assistance to actually get IDs. It's ridiculous.
Laws like the Voter ID are why I think there needs to be a new layer in our system: citizen law juries. Any proposed law has to be brought before a random set of regular people & one rep for & against argues the validity & if the "jury" says it's ok, then lawmakers get to vote on passing it- as is.
I like that idea. Unfortunately, a lot of leftists would be highly against that even if it allows them to vote for a third party candidate.
Yeah, a lot of "leftists" seem to think voting is akin to full on endorsement, like your soul will be judged or whatever. Idk, I think that philosophy is rife with error. Like, direct action is also important but it's a lot harder to do under complete tyranny.
I think it's largely due to a lot of leftists being raised from a religious family and applying that remnant belief into their politics. The Revolution is their Rapture and Marx is their Bible. It's hard to overcome that kind of black-and-white thinking.
Seeing French leftists and centrists banding together should have been an inspiring moment for us, though I fear the need to be always right instead of working for the greater good will only help the far right win.
Yeah. Well, here's hoping the French election DOES inspire some resolve in enough potential voters. 🤞
And much like the Bible they don't actually take in the message Marx was saying. Ally with liberals to stop conservatives! Move that needle! Never tire!
Newberg, OR, got a bunch of right wing nuts on its school board when people weren't paying attention a few years back. Banned rainbow & BLM flags, fired a moderate admin. Now we get to use them as an object lesson. ("Vote in every race in every election. Know the candidates.")
For buildings that don’t have a lot of space over the entrance, we could go with just the first two words.
Also a concise/complete response to the “don’t vote” camp that avoids personal attacks, etc. I have to hope the people making that argument mean well even if it’s just not how any of this works.
Don’t make me tap the meme.
So true! What a great way to put it.
That would be a good public works program
Like, say, schools and supreme courts
Fascists are literal parasites