
There's an interesting thing that happens whenever someone knows a lot about something, which is that they forget what it is like to not know a lot about it.
Now consider Aegis, shutting down. Literally everyone who could explain why it is, is *way* too fucking online to be able to explain it to normal people. 99% of the users are these normal people.
When the freakish outliers attempt to explain why Aegis is shutting down, they are starting from a position of knowledge that is *wildly* fucking alien to the average person.
The freakishly online come across as bewilderingly inscrutable when trying to explain to normal people why the thing no longer things. Confusion regarding things like trust and safety is not a good state to be in, and this inability to understand the perspective of normal people ensures it.
As I mentioned before, human memory is associative, and you can tell because look at this image and then close your eyes. Whichever one you saw, maiden or crone, will make certain words easier to hear or read through noise. Because those words have been primed in your associative memory.
What the average, normal person, the 99% of users who have posted fewer than 1,000 times, takes away from this game of telephone, is going to be confusion. About whether to trust that the site will be safe for them to be in. Which is again, not a good state to be in.
Normal people: what's going on? Am I safe here? Freakishly online posters: ok so think about this forum drama from 15 years ago, right? Now imagine if the flux enfrobulator had been turned off. Yeah, that bad.
"Remember the kids in highschool who treated lunchroom drama like life and death? They were the driving force behind Aegis and some of them may or may not be sex pests and/or federal agents."
I am also realizing that one of the big generational differences is that, under a certain age, you never got a chance to disconnect from those rumor mills. Due to social media, not only do the networks themselves stay in place, you keep using the same communication channels into adulthood.
Do you know of any explanations of the situation that are actually accessible to the "frequently online but not Terminally Online" audience? Because I am still so confused.
basically some dorks got into an internet fight that became Real Serious Fucking Business and a single mod on the aegis team labeled people they didn't like as part of their beef, which kinda immediately killed trust in it, and then there was Other Stuff but that's probably enough to go by
I have spent the last two hours trying to figure out what the hell is going on and as far as I can figure out three or four long running feeds collided and exploded.
“Sure everybody knows the curse of knowledge fallacy” he thought, metatextually
Me looking at anyone talking about the Key Bridge collapse, dumbfounded