
Shortly before the debate, jeff tiederich tweeted a weird and pathetic biden fanfic, biden skating on stage and doing a sick kickflip on trump or whatever the fuck. Can't be arsed look it up. After the debate: "what the fuck did I just watch"
Back in 2022, libs like brooklyn dad were doing the whole maga thing of photoshopping their hero's head onto cool bodies. Identical to all that maga chud bullshit of trump's face slapped onto bulgingly muscular action movie bodies.
Remember how we all agreed how fucking weird it was when red maga kept constantly photoshopping trump's face on action stars? How deeply fucking weird that behaviour was? Blue maga didn't, those vichy dipshits just thought the memes were using the wrong face.
They didn't think this kind of weird shit was weird and offputting, they merely disagreed about whose face should be badly photoshopped into culty memes.
Tiederich's "ok then biden does a sick kickflip and then daps in trump's direction and then dramatically removes his sunglasses in a really cool and masculine way" pap, is indistinguishable from any of those chud memes of trump's face slapped onto a Liefield superhero body with too many fingers.
Ahaha, just looked it up. Tiedrich's tweet: "Joe Biden bicycles into the debate hall, dismounts, runs up a ramp to his podium, one-handedly chugs a bottle of water, slams the empty bottle down onto the lectern and turns to Trump and says "sup, fuckface""
How is this kind of pathetic, simpering, delusional dogshit in any way different than some maga chud photoshopping trump's face onto Rambo's body with a bald eagle in the background
There *is* a subtle difference, though. Look closely. That maga chud's simpering consists of showing trump to be masculine, powerful. Tiedrich's tweet depicts biden as *not disabled*. No impairments in motor function, etc.
People not understanding the duplicity is my cosmic horror.
"Fascism is coming, better fire up the meme machine" - The Left.
I don't know what any of them actually believe IN. I know they oppose Republicans and a given value of authoritarianism, but that opposition gets real malleable when their guy does it. I can't tell what, outside of that opposition, defines them.