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Durham based mam of two small humans. NHS Librarian. Reader, walker, cross stitcher, tea drinker. Friendly but tired. She/Her.
Wearing white gloves when handling (a majority of) rare books is terrible practice - you have a greater chance of carrying dirt onto the paper or parchment, and of ripping it. Clean, dry hands with unvarnished nails are far better, but don't look as impressive on TV documentaries.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Perhaps against my better judgement, I've signed up for a day trip to Blackpool organised by my union for the illuminations. Thought the boys might like it, but now wondering about the logistics of a two year old sitting all that time on the coach. Anyway! Blackpool recommendations, please hit me up
Considering I am Very Very Tired I'm doing ok at these today. Thought both were easier than normal though. Strands #135 “Were you raised in a barn?” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🟡🔵 Connections Puzzle #401 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩
Ah, marvellous. Awake at 5.15 this morning with eldest child excited about his birthday, and now stripping the beds and changing nightclothes at half ten at night when youngest child decides to vom over everything 🤢 (I do not deal very well with vomit 🤢🤢🤢)
Birthday boy has two friends over after school. I'm doing a little party tea for them. Not sure what's going on up there but it sounds like a riot, an earthquake and a pneumatic drill going off all at the same time. They're currently daring each other to lock the baby gate to 'Keep the mother out!'
My beautiful boy is 8 today! He is truly the best of both of us. He's the cleverest person I know, and the funniest. He's principled, and kind, and caring. He's GOOD. He's devoted to his little brother, and a fiercely loyal friend. He makes the world a better place simply by being here.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah-Jane
If you are unsafe after the game tonight, call the Domestic Abuse Helpline 📞 0808 2000 247
Husband and I currently counting how many times Shearer uses the word 'quality'. It has been.... A lot.
Spent all morning doing housework and now, while Daddy watches the tennis, the boys and I are doing art tutorials from YouTube. Try not to be TOO bowled over by my immense skill 😁
My eldest is eight tomorrow. I know I'm biased because I'm his mam, but from the moment he was born he has always been *such* a beautiful child ❤️ Four days old, and the day before his second birthday here.
I particularly enjoyed the Trump supporter interviewed for the news this morning saying 'This isn't what our country is. We don't do things like this.' Mate. Your guy tried to get his own vice president hanged. Your allies literally attempted a coup.
Durham Miners Gala Day today and we normally go but it's 7yo's birthday on Monday so we let him choose what we did today. He chose a visit to Butterfly World & Preston Park Museum. Was a bit wet and miserable but we had a sweet gentle day all the same. Sweets from the sweet shop, a wooden toy each.
When I was about 17, I bought a set of the Little Bear books because I loved Can't You Sleep Little Bear? so much when I was little. Had a vague idea I might read them to my own kids one day. Eldest loved them, and now littlest has started asking for them too ❤️ The illustrations are just gorgeous.
Eight years ago today, while overdue with my eldest, my waters broke. Anyway, his birthday isn't until Monday 🙃 That was a fun three days.
And now a discussion of 'medical meat' just as I was thinking of giving up and heading off for my lunch, FML.
Trying to do something quite complex and involved at work and one of my colleagues simply Will. Not. Stop. Talking. It's work related stuff but I'm not sure that telling me about the same issue four times is going to make a difference at this point to be honest.
Filmed littlest playing with his dad after a nappy change and shouting 'Penis! It's a penis!' because Phil didn't use the right name. Boys found the video I took so funny that they keep asking for it and now littlest keeps saying 'Penis video! Please penis video on phone again!' 😳😳😳
Christ, what an ideal getting home was today. 12 minutes Newcastle to Durham, took us over 2 and a half hours. Train turned back when we were in touching distance of home, three platform changes, haring round Newcastle Station with a buggy and over the bridge four times. Drenched through. Home now ❤️
Had a lovely day in Newcastle with my friend, then caught the train home in time to get eldest from school. Could see the Cathedral from the train window when they announced we were heading back to Newcastle. Complete pandamonium at the station. Now in Newcastle Central Library until things settle.
I love how you say cup of tea in Swedish - it's like how my toddler says it 🥰
Newcastle pals - where's good for brunch with a small person in tow?
There was a horrible crash near us a month ago that killed a 10 month old baby and his auntie. Driver of other car has just been sentenced to 17 years - he was almost 3 times over the limit, on his phone, and driving at 141mph. 141mph! I hope he sees that baby's face every time he closes his eyes.
Woke up in the early hours furious at Phil for numerous reasons (we hadn't rowed - he was just doing my head in) and then found when we got up that our wedding picture had fallen over in the night and the glass all smashed. Feels ominous.
Threads is another world, isn't it? I dip my toe in occasionally (never post, just read) - just seen a post from an American parent complaining that her 6 year old has to buy supplies for school including marker pens and copier paper, and everyone is telling her it's her own fault for having kids?!
Had a busy day of sorting/clearing out/organising today. What on earth do people do with all of their STUFF?!? Anyway, it was productive and 2yo's room is just about ready to be painted now and afterwards I had an amazing Molton Brown bath with a Maggie O'Farrell book, so it was all worth it.
We're finally getting around to changing our study into a bedroom for littlest, so am taking down my thimbles so we can paint his walls. Geeky yes, but my grandparents started me off collecting these when I was 3 and I have over 300, from all over the world. Almost half done - these ones left.
🚨Parent being blamed because baby wakes in night klaxon🚨 This time it's apparently because *checks notes* the parent is not playing with the child enough, or there's tension in the house. Not just, you know, because the baby is doing something completely developmentally appropriate (although tough!)
Of all the parts of my body I've spent my life feeling subconscious about, Instagram has just told me I now also need to be self conscious of my... Eyelids? Nah, sorry. Even I refuse to be guilted into worrying that my *eyelids* aren't attractive enough. Night x
Today's library hauls: mine, 7yo's and 60% of 2yo's (he wouldn't let go of the other two). Can you guess what 7yo's current big interest is?