
This is a terrible thing, and it really doesn't help that so much of the response seems to be just dumping hope on solar power to fill the gap. Solar and wind are truly complementary, and a 'just solar' alternative is more difficult, messier, and costlier
US wind power generation falls for the first time since 1990s - US wind power generation falls for the first time since 1990s
Ok you prompted me to dust off the Australian installed PV by prime minister chart script. now updated to include the Albanese govt the Albanese govt has so far presided over the poorest growth in PV (15%/y) since the start of the data next poorest was Abbott (23%y)
I know there's always some lag, but that's still disappointing.
but as you get higher numbers then of course % drops so it is still rising but now on a larger scale, this is natural in any growth cycle.
Honestly that aside part of me does wonder if a steady sustained lower growth rate leads to better climate, social and enviro outcomes over time!
Yes but The slowdown isn't driven by social enviro outcomes, it's driven by fossil fuel lobbying what growth rate best balances achieving climate outcomes (& enormous economic opportunity) vs social & environ outcomes? Well we're nowhere near that yet Aust solar is a success despite govt policy
When assessing this balance keep in mind not achieving our climate goals will have catastrophic social enviro outcomes So the baseline for assessing social enviro outcomes is not Zero harm. But rather less than than not achieving decarbonisation ie less harm than the alternative
of course and not denying that but the scale is logrhtymic of course. Bus should have more than enough solar and wind energy alone (plus tidal) to power themselves 4 times over by say 2035 and if you look at china's expansion, how much longer can the boom in their mineral exports for power continue
yep humans are not very adjusted to change so slow change and more ergonomic is better for it. We hate big changes and now we are over the curve point. Economics will determine it all now