
capital-G Gamers fascinate me so much because i cannot fathom the mind of an individual who insists so heavily that the existence of any sort of minority within a game is inherently political, yet also is completely incapable of recognizing when the game is actively making fun of them for bigotry.
like what goes on inside their brains? is it too leaded for the neurons to fire properly? are there only a handful of brain cells floating around clacking into each other like billiards? it confounds me. it makes no damn sense. compels me though
People talk about the decline of media literacy but it's been an issue for centuries. Some people really aren't operating on any high level They thought Colbert's Colbert character was a conservative, for instance
Conservatives Think Colbert Is A study shows your personal political beliefs determine your interpretation of The Colbert Report.
i feel like a lot of conservatives just fundamentally do not think. like, at all. period
I think that's one of the core appeals of conservatism- you will not be asked to process any new ideas, you can simply refer to the anointed talking heads to know how you should feel about the news of the day.
It's why talking to a lot of them feels like an exercise in frustration because they simply just echo the talking points du jour, regardless of what they claimed to believe yesterday or the week before.