
capital-G Gamers fascinate me so much because i cannot fathom the mind of an individual who insists so heavily that the existence of any sort of minority within a game is inherently political, yet also is completely incapable of recognizing when the game is actively making fun of them for bigotry.
like what goes on inside their brains? is it too leaded for the neurons to fire properly? are there only a handful of brain cells floating around clacking into each other like billiards? it confounds me. it makes no damn sense. compels me though
People talk about the decline of media literacy but it's been an issue for centuries. Some people really aren't operating on any high level They thought Colbert's Colbert character was a conservative, for instance
Conservatives Think Colbert Is A study shows your personal political beliefs determine your interpretation of The Colbert Report.
i feel like a lot of conservatives just fundamentally do not think. like, at all. period
they don't remember things that upset them (continued alt txt in dupes)
Well this is just a fantastic read. Thank you!
For them it's projection. See "sheep"
I think that's one of the core appeals of conservatism- you will not be asked to process any new ideas, you can simply refer to the anointed talking heads to know how you should feel about the news of the day.
It's why talking to a lot of them feels like an exercise in frustration because they simply just echo the talking points du jour, regardless of what they claimed to believe yesterday or the week before.
A quote from a particular book conservatives tend to at best misunderstand and more typically not understand at all: "Ignorance is bliss" What's worse is they're also prone to the "we've always been at war with eurasia" and five minutes of hate and they never recognize it.
"shaving away alternatives" as a mental and political process
It’s accurate. Lots of them really just see what some big name figure says and go along with it.
Wait, I thought the *character* was a conservative. It was just a character created to make fun of conservatism, wasn't it?
Correct! The character was entirely meant to be a ridiculous spoof of conservative talking heads, and neither Colbert nor his writers were subtle about it at all; from "truthiness" to his over the top interviews to his skewering of the press corps during the Correspondent's dinner. And yet.
its the result of gamers enclosing themselves in a metaphorical pillow fort of media, information, and socialization that never challenges their preconceptions, and never presents a dilemma that isn't immediately solved by either fantastical deus ex machina or by self-affirming righteous violence
this is extremely bars god damn
the world is infuriating and terrifying and alien to a brittle mind conditioned to respond only to a virtual orgasm of lights and sounds at the press of a button. gamers aren't angry, they're lost dogs; bewildered and confused in a world where there's no yellow paint directing them towards humanity
I was taking a survey last night and it asked me if I identified as a Gamer or just a person who plays games. I have never felt so seen in my life 🤣
It definitely takes a special kind of ignorance to protest 'politics' in games when queer folk and women aren't marginalised before booting up 'Call Of Duty: Military Industrial Fetish Plus 5 HD' and gunning down turrists for hours.
it just BAFFLES me like how are you so blind??????????
They’re too thick to comprehend nuance. They see someone like them and they latch onto it with willful ignorance.
Above all emotional maturity skills, self-reflection and self-analysis in order to prevent such blindnesses is near the bottom of the list for these folks Not just in exposure to it, but also cultivation of it.
have you considered that 60% minimum of the entire human race has a WIS score of 1-3
the windows 60% minimum and 80% maximum according to my calculations of being a bitter angry cynic but even with my bias removed it doesnt narrow as much as you think
Who cares about the plot? How pointed is the protagonists jawline?
This complete inability to engage with reality is incomprehensible to me