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Software engineer, transit enjoyer, sometimes I climb rocks and get in sword fights.
Me in public on my phone: a brief diversion, a useful tool, enjoying the humorous good natured group chat. You in public on your phone: addicted, brainwashed, doomscrolling zuckerzombie.
After a year of reading, I finally finished the last book in the Wheel of time. What the heck do people even do with their lives when they're not reading epic fantasy? How can any book series ever top this?
Reposted byAvatar lbSterling
Reposted byAvatar lbSterling
Reposted byAvatar lbSterling
And uncap the house.
Deb Perelman is a national treasure and deserves the Nobel Baking Prize #thanksgiving #baking #lifesaver #delicious
Reposted byAvatar lbSterling
hey guys check this out
Avatar hey, listening to the latest hardfork and you guys talk about the computing threshold for AI being some number of Floating Point Operations per Second (FLOPs). This is almost certainly wrong, flops are a measure like velocity not distance. I think you mean floating point ops
I came across one of the infamous "historical" street lamps that have been causing all the fuss in San Diego. I'm lost for words, how could replacing this junk with the nice lamp cause people to lose their minds? Then, right across the street, a big "No on prop 10" sign out front of a $2m house
Avatar thanks for the key, this made my day! Now I can replace my twitter addiction with a bluesky addiction I guess?
End of feed.