
Last night I had a panoply of odd dreams One, featuring the phrase "there is no criss-cross applesauce in the patrol base!" And a different segment of that same dream, where Arnold Schwarzenegger, Biden, and I went to Gettysburg to see newly opened Little Round Top No idea what this all means
It means get your fuckin’ noggin down and get behind that 240 before Ivan puts one in your brain pan.
It means you need to go to newly opened Little Round Top. (I'm waiting until after annniversary weekend because I don't do crowds).
I think it means you know it's time to recap the Battle of Gettysburg.
Have you actually met Arnold? That second dream sounds really cool; have you done the Army Historian course, which involves planning a staff ride to Gettysburg, if memory serves?
I actually am an army historian, and it's as awesome as it sounds
As a failed historian and 5th-6th rate litigator, it does sound awesome to me. I signed up for and haven't had the time to do the skill identifier course, but it's mostly focused on staff rides. I'm not allowed on those anymore, as last time I pointed out an alt narrative/explanation.
Hey, all right. I too am a 5th/6th rate litigator. But that's better than 7th/8th/9th rate anyway.
Is it just the ASI to get qualified, and how hard is it to get into the course? I just stumbled upon the ASI requirements last night, and interest was piqued.
Depends on how far you want to go with it - recommend doing the course for ASI and unit historian (Blackboard)
Nice, thank you for the info. Just found out the job/ASI exist, so not totally up to speed on possibilities, but definitely going to look into it.
Please do! We badly need unit historians
As a reservist, I'm going to say that the 1 year deadline to complete the course doesn't seem like enough time; I'll try it again when I'm out of TDS.
I had a weird dream the other night, and for some reason I woke up and wrote myself a reminder to look up a dice game played by UK members of parliament. I have absolutely no idea what that means. I blame the Paxlovid.
These are cool dreams. I’m envious.