David Evans

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David Evans


An unusual man in an alien world.

London, Canada
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Good Night ONLY to the Pulbic Works employee who has consistently refused to paint over Snoopy on the Henn/Lyndale pedestrian bridge
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Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Things are weird and unpleasant in the news! I like to counterprogram my brain and looking at / processing photos does that for me, so hey, here are four photos of mine from my trip to Portugal. Please to enjoy. Or don't. I'm not your boss. I was, but they fired me for stealing office supplies.
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I had the best co-workers.
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
“Costa Rica DOUBLED its natural forest cover while *increasing* food production, with huge benefits for farmers, nature, climate, + all society. How? Watch this great video to find out. We should be doing EXACTLY the same.” - @irishrainforest.bsky.social youtu.be/bWTXusSPxUM?...
Costa Rica's Land Sparing Policyyoutu.be One country has managed to increase wild nature and food production. That country is Costa Rica.WePlaneteer Hidde explains how they achieved this with a poli...
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
I see Dead People. Well, technically they're stupid people, but give me a few minutes...
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
You'll never experience Aspen for less
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
This is incredibly beautiful.
This poem is in the Reform Judaism siddur for the Mourner's Kaddish.
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Spain wouldn’t have had that goal from the omnipresent football genius Nico Williams if his parents hadn’t travelled the trans-Saharan pathway from their home in Ghana and climbed the fence in Melilla. Talk about migrants filling a labour shortage! t.co/4qw9n8BetL
Along the trans-Saharan path, African migrants weigh the risks and rewards of heading to Europet.co The Globe joins West Africans along the desert route that carries hundreds of thousands through deadly perils and ignites political crises in Europe
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
The radio dish stood mute in the soft rain. The Visitors had responded to its call, leaving behind only their Message. The builders of the dish looked at each other and wondered what the meaning was behind the Message. Two words: PARTY HARD #astrodon #SETI #JodrellBank 🔭🪐
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
we were now in that enchanted calm which they say lurks at the heart of every commotion
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Knowing nothing else about him, we can deduce that the shooter wasn't a police officer because if he were, all of Trump's documented and alleged criminal activity would be the first thing mentioned in every news story about the shooting.
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Let’s all help by speculating wildly.
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
good afternoon, all of us who have not been eaten by coyotes. here is today’s nature spam from prince albert national park in saskatchewan. youtube.com/shorts/aD8yT...
i don’t know who needs to hear this…youtube.com
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Reposted byAvatar David Evans
They can't attack you for your employer if you're unemployed. Follow me for more tips on how to internet ethically & safely!
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
There’s a whole subnormal subculture of people on here who are obsessed with running people off the site. The vast majority of the time they fail (as, one senses, they do at nearly everything in their lives). But they’re very happy when they succeed. /1
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Imma taking this as proof that there is a lot of Artificial in these solutions, but no actual Intelligence. We should call them CA. For “Complex Algorithms” Or ICA, for “Inordinately Complex Algorithms“
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
Been reflecting a lot on one tiny article W.E.B DuBois wrote about the 1922 execution of Luther Boddy who got the death sentence for killing two police. It's one of the more poignant articulations of how an unfair society and militarism creates Luther Boddys for the purpose of elimination.
If you see this post, post or quote post with a tree or a tree-lined path from your photos.
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Reporter on this piece is here now: @ksalvord.bsky.social
People Magazine is writing about Christian nationalism in Project 2025!
Reposted byAvatar David Evans
[guy inventing social media] what if we let short-tempered dimwits weigh in on everything immediately