Angry Staff Officer

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Angry Staff Officer

History person, Army officer, transplanted Buckeye. Writes stuff. Some Star Wars. Refugee from Twitter. Views do not reflect or represent the DoD's. He/him/his.
Right about now, in 1863, came one of my favorite moments of the Battle of Gettysburg. Division commander Maj Gen Alex Hays, of Pittsburgh, seeing that his division had smashed the rebel attack, kissed his aide-de-camp, grabbed a reb flag, mounted his horse, and rode his line dragging it behind him
William Faulkner - who lied about his World War I service - can keep his "For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it's still not yet two oclock on that July afternoon in 1863" moment on July 3, 1863. For Northern kids...
Happy "Robert E Lee Yeets 3 Treason Divisions Into a Deathblossom" Day to all who celebrate Lee's July 3d might be one of his worst days of fighting. Starts off the day with the XII Corps kicking his teeth in on the right flank, booting his bubbas out of US trenches they'd taken the night prior
When I think about what was sacrificed on this day in 1863 for this Republic, and what meaning Lincoln gave it... Government of the people By the people And for the people And then I read the news. Sigh.
The soul of the Republic feels very heavy today
Some of you haven't spent endless hours at academic conferences listening to paper after paper after paper, and it shows.
Race is still factored in. White applicants get to keep the advantages they've accrued through systemic racism without any countervailing forces.
The Steam Summer Sale. The money, it's all gone now
Of course Elcid Barrett got his ass kicked - trying to man a sloop with just 20 dudes? Ridiculous Can't even fight one side of the ship while sailing the ship Worst privateer ever
Last night I had a panoply of odd dreams One, featuring the phrase "there is no criss-cross applesauce in the patrol base!" And a different segment of that same dream, where Arnold Schwarzenegger, Biden, and I went to Gettysburg to see newly opened Little Round Top No idea what this all means
Scanning today's headlines and decided it's time to dive into WWI research Which is where I go when the state of the world gives me Big Sads
Watched a few clips of the debate Ok, so what if we randomly chose someone from the phone book
Poolside thought, reading some WWI stuff The Army leaned really heavy on cav units during the GWOT, esp in Afghanistan, for some crazy intense missions And now are just like "thx, bye" to cav units in general Add it to the long "things the GWOT ruined that we won't talk about" list
The only thing being worse than being an editor, I don't actually think there's anything worse
Hiding from the discourse like Sean Spicer in the shrubbery
The Habsburgs are more into F1 these days.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire is set to advance at Euro24
POV: you were just told that you are not allowed to lay on the shawl your human JUST finished knitting which is, conveniently, white mohair, a color that will definitely not show black cat fur on it
When my cats yowl at me for food, I've taken to responding "Which it's ready when it's ready" in as Killick-like a voice I can muster The ship's company* is less than amused *The cats
Things my cats would rather play with than the toys that I buy them: - pieces of litter - my computer cable - edges of books - shoes - unattainable things from shelves they can't reach but that doesn't stop them - doors - drawers - the wall
Last time I was going through my book collection, my last copy of a Hanson book ended up in the recycling bin. Because I'm not a fan of propagating even more lies. Good thread from Bret, as always
I wrote this takedown of Victor Davis Hanson's Carnage and Culture (2004) at the Other Platform, but why not bring it over: Here is a not-even-close-to-exhaustive list of serious defects w/ VDH's famous(ly damaging) book, which you shouldn't read (both this thread and the book). 1/
3" ordnance rifle from Hall's 2d Maine Battery final position on Cemetery Hill, adjacent to the Lincoln Memorial "that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain..."
A Buckeye Sunset over Abraham Bryan's farm
Here's to the destruction of slavery and defeat of slavers! Since we don't have an Emancipation Proclamation Day or an Appomattox Day, I'm celebrating them both today going to Gettysburg, where treason and slavery received one of their death blows
Enjoy this picture of one of my cats looking like I've seized her as a hostage Her eyes are sending a clear message
Just finished watching Derry Girls for the first time and damn, I didn't expect to have that many Feelings
Two random strangers wished me a happy father's day I was not around children I do not have children Am I giving off dad energy?
As I have pointed out, there is zero evidence that the Confederate monument in Arlington National Cemetery was ever referred to as a "Reconciliation Monument" at the time of its dedication in 1914. The UDC was never in the business of reconciliation. 🗃️
Analysis | Republicans embrace a Confederate symbol, after years of The House vote to restore the Confederate Memorial to Arlington National Cemetery failed, but not before it got a lot more GOP support —about 89 percent — than similar recent votes.
Look at this woke DEI CRT loser's take from...*checks notes*... General J. Lawton Collins in 1951.