
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
Counterpoint is that if the other possibilities were so much stronger, why didn’t they win their own party’s nomination?
I'd posit that Good At Party Primary and Nomination and Good At Getting Elected are not definitely linked, and are not mutually exclusive. That being said, I'd have a hard time pointing to anyone in 2016 who would've done better in the general. Especially the guy I liked who SUCKED at primaries
That the media’s ongoing crusade against Democrats gets disappeared from these conversations makes me want to scream.
That's a solid, incredibly relevant and important point. The fact that PoC women Democrats get the lion's share of that crusading cannot be overstated, either.
It’s worse, true. But only a little bit. They’ve been trying to weaken and delegitimize Biden’s presidency almost from the outset. Certainly from the Afghanistan withdrawal.