
i’m just asking you to take a moment to consider this from biden’s perspective: most of the fundamentals still look good for him. he’s beaten trump once. swapping the nominee this late has never worked, and there is *every* reason to believe republicans in every contested state would contest it
anyone who thinks harris is gonna get an easy walk from the nation’s newspapers and editorial boards if she were to become the nominee is absolutely lying to themselves
it’s just incredibly frustrating that no one’s even pretending to look at this from a whole picture standpoint, it is not a small thing, and it is likely, from an odds standpoint based on precedent, to fail.
the only guy in my lifetime not to get reelected is the guy we're trying to beat right now. the last thing we need to do is say, hey, we aren't confident in the guy we picked last time. telling us to make a change means pundits think biden is in a relatively strong spot, and that they hate that.