
you increasingly start to realize that conservatives aren’t actually interested in history, art, culture, science, etc- they have their own basic preconception of those fields, based around an immutable hierarchy placing white men on top and then they never update their preconceptions
PragerU did a whole video bemoaning how the classics aren't taught that makes it painfully clear that they don't have any clue what's actually i or good about them. They're The Classics because they're The Classics, not because they have any sort of interesting content or things to say
Oh yeah this is very much a thing, as someone who is way too into folk music the idea that tradition is something we are not in conversation with and something we are constantly reinterpreting and changing is utterly untethered from joy and reality.
Folk Music, including Field Recordings, were almost always published for a Market. The fact some Eastern European State Choirs get misconstrued as authentic has motivated the publishing of some pre-WW2 Bulgarian Folk Music.
Forgot to add, by some outraged scholar/s in their fields.
I must admit I have no idea why you are bringing up eastern European state choirs. I'm not particularly familiar with any of the history of eastern European folk music.
They get around this by doing things like dismissing the most enduring and uniquely American form of popular music (jazz) and just fast forwarding to rock music in the 1960s after talking about the modern classical composers of the 20s (who they also don’t love)
There was a thread of cons on Twitter earlier this year dunking on Thelonius Monk for his supposed technical proficiency and I just wanted to show them this album cover
They can’t discuss jazz because it was a form of music seen by many of its performers as a direct, revolutionary response to white supremacy. And it’s amazing.
This reminds me of that movie Top Secret with Val Kilmor. :D (sorry such a shallow response on a deep topic)
I have never seen this before. I am transformed!
I always knew that Monk was awesome but I had no idea he was this fucking amazing. This should be up for the best album cover in the history of music. I literally cannot think of a better one that goes harder.
Black people invented rock n roll too.
They aren’t interested in learning anything their entire ideology is focused on “past good it was good before cause I was told that, now is bad. Also I’m a poopy pants cry baby.”
White men are usually the top performers in those fields, but you’re right
at least, that’s what they keep telling themselves, and refusing to reevaluate.