
I cannot stress enough that you should not worry about how protests are perceived when they are happening. They will be unpopular. That's fine. There are many goals of protests that will be unknown to the general public & especially commentators. Keep pushing.
Look at what newspaper editorials were saying about MLK Jr at the time. Or the coverage of anti-Iraq war protesters. Once history vindicates your protest, liberals will pretend to have supported it the entire time.
polarization of the US into red and blue camps makes people feel like everything that's happening is either on one team or another, and like, protesters do not have to run for reelection it is actually perfectly fine if they are not popular.
it can even help move politicians by getting attention for their views and therefore pushing open the overton window to allow electeds to take a position that seems relatively moderate in comparison! easy to see that happen now with "ceasefire"
I finished Black Grief/White Grievance on your rec last week, and one of the things that's sticking with me from it is someone else she cites who says we spend more time thinking about the impact of protest on the observers, and not on the protestors themselves
Honestly if a protest isn't unpopular while it's happening, then something wierd is happening.
At the very least people are paying more attention to what is happening in Gaza as a direct consequence of the protests.
I have an honest question. How can we support these protests if the gen pop doesn’t understand what the protests are about?
Gen pop understands what the protests are about... ending Israeli genocide and getting a permanent ceasefire - some of the gen pop doesn't want either of these things.
That’s because they are selfishly thinking it isn’t them. To those I say not yet! It isn’t you yet!
you didnt imply otherwise, but it is still good to push against that narrative even if worrying about it too much doesnt ultimately do much like every aspect of previous movements, perception of them was changed through active effort, not an automatic result of time passing