
Not trying to be antagonistic - it's still early in the AM - but I wonder how many of the people on socials 'talking' about Project 2025 have read through the full document. It's very very long. What is Project 2025 actually shorthand for at this moment?
If Democrats feel that this is a core threat, then what's the political education plan? Are they turning the document into an audiobook? Are they hosting Project 2025 teach ins? Are they creating a Democratic Project 2025? Like what's actually happening in reality?
Nothing. Nothing is happening.
I’m reading that book now. Should be required reading for all, for sure!
The Democratic Party is increasingly turning the cynicism up to "11". The point of educating about the Right Wing threat is to make the problem the responsibility of progressives, socialists, nonvoters & the Left... not to thwart the Right.
Biden is neither trying to undo the power or using the power.
1. Biden isn't arguing the Roberts Court is unhinged in the powers granted to POTUS. 2. Biden isn't trying to reduce the powers legislatively. 3. Biden isn't using the powers to oppose racism or fascism.
I read it and was so alarmed I decided to write a book imagining what the first 100 Days of Trump’s next term will look like using Project 2025, Agenda 47, etc as source material in the hope people see what could happen. If anyone wants a read, drop me a message - I’m posting it on Wattpad atm.
I honestly think this is a huge part of what’s driving doomerism, the base is terrified but the leadership just isn’t willing to take things seriously, and the base reacts in various unhealthy ways- usually despair or lashing out at the left
We're doing some teach ins and house meetings for college students this fall. I think putting Project 2025 on the discussion dance card is a fantastic idea.
Who is doing that? Is there resources for finding out more about that?
Feels like more denial. and maybe because a lot of their donors low key support it, they are afraid to come off as “radicals” when pushing back.
I think what the plan is, is "Democrat Strategy 101: Do Nothing and Hope Voters Do Right"
Probably because, on the off-chance that Biden/Harris/whoever wins, they don’t want to get called out for implementing much of what’s in there anyway.
C'mon, if we just vote Blue No Matter Who, we can all go back to brunch! 🫠
Dems : “ Project 2025! It’s bad! Vote for us!”