
More support for the theory that OpenAI is equal parts “never have an original idea” + “steal other people’s work because you’re constitutionally incapable of imagining anything on your own”—with a hefty dollop of “fetishize women and refuse to take no for an answer.”
NPR tech reporter Bobby Allyn obtained this statement from Scarlett Johansson regarding OpenAI's ChatGPT voice that sounds like her role from the 2013 movie "Her"
Also further support for the theory that most technological advances are either driven by, or will promptly be used for, nonconsensual porn
Just the most prototypical techbro dumbshit "go for it" ideology to think you can steal the voice of one of the biggest actors in Hollywood and no one will notice.
They took Gilbert, they’ll take anyone
the entire AI ecosystem is an attempt to shoehorn in cultural relevance for the type of guy who thinks that he has a great idea for a comic book and just needs someone to write and illustrate and publish and market it for him
Also shows they believe they are immune to consequences. Did they think stealing the voice of one of the most marketable actresses in Hollywood would go unnoticed? Or she doesn’t have the resources to go after them? Plus this will further galvanize the industry against them.
I mean largely they are immune. Our ability to hold accountable or punish these people is basically non-existent. We can't even hold people accountable for trying to overthrow the government without it being a herculean task.
“Will you work for us? That’s a trick question we’ll just steal your identity.”
Listening to Altman talk about art and the act of creation, it's not surprising. Altman and the other AI-techbros *hate* art. Like not just they don't understand it but have a weirdly visceral reaction against the concept. They want "content" and think that will replace art.
These companies do not respect people’s autonomy. We should absolutely not let them build infrastructure we rely on.
The more I think about Altman, OpenAI, and similar projects, the more angry I get. There’s no way they didn’t have conversations about data rights early on and decided to ask forgiveness over permission. Then, there’s the deep fake revenge porn thing, which has been going on for years. All so gross.
At least back in the 1960's, they had the decency to actually credit the voice actress speaking on behalf of the computer.
+1 and all... b b b but isn't this the Very Serious man who has tried to lecture all on the ethics of AI?
The only idea tech has anymore involve begging, borrowing, and stealing.
With a touch of entitlement that they should be able to have anything they want, personal rights be damned.
They don't call 'em tech "bros" for nothin'.
Very true. And it is dangerous because it is so inaccurate
Satya Nadella's support of Sam Altman is bizarre, methinks the Emperor of Microsoft has no clothes.
like, BIIIIG red flags all over the place