
I was so prepared to joke about this piece and then I read it and my childhood fear of quicksand just came roaring back.
Perspective by Stephen P. Leatherman: Digging holes in sand might seem innocent, but experts recommend never digging a hole deeper than the knee height of the shortest person in your group — with two feet being the maximum depth.
Perspective | There’s real danger in digging deep holes on a sandy Experts recommend never digging a hole deeper than the knee height of the shortest person in your group — with two feet being the maximum depth.
That was so much more science-filled and terrifying than I expected
Right?? “Let me calmly explain the physical properties of sand and how without warning the playful crystalline structures you have built will rapidly collapse in an avalanche of suffocating grains”
Gilligan’s Island and Scooby Doo prepared us well…
Building my coconut radio as we speak
That will help us when a storm washes someone up on the island.
Claustrophobes may have trouble finishing this article. Wow.
Good friends almost lost a small child this way. Actually died at the hospital & they nearly approved organ harvesting, then his heart re-started.
Do you think, if you were sinking in quicksand, you’d be able to bring your to just lie flat and spread into a star shape or would you struggle (even knowing it’s totally the wrong thing to do)?
I live in Florida near some very popular tourist beaches. And yeah, people don't realize how dangerous this can be. Every year I hear about someone innocently digging at the beach when the hole collapses in on itself and tragedy often quickly ensues.