
Without going all in on cope, I do not think the chaos about to envelop the circuit courts is going to be entirely favorable to the right wing project unless Congress authorizes a huge expansion of said courts under a GOP trifecta
There is going to be an absolute shit-show of bad stuff, but making every circuit a de facto executive agency without any of the supports or norms around an executive agency is not what any reasonably strategic person would do on purpose
The Roberts Court saw all the monkey fingers curling in their previous rulings and decided what's one more.
cf. walking back Bruen last week
"what can we get some right-wing crackpot from the 5th circuit to rule?"
I think it's true this hurts Project 2025, but I also think a lot of the GOP is perfectly happy just turning Texas into their nightmare dystopia if the rest of the country isn't allowed to do anything about it.
The rest of the country is allowed to do something about it, through the most straightforward and pedestrian process we have for the Feds to do something
Great minds
Roberts: "Uh, could we have money for more staff? You know, to deal with...." Congress: "Do you mean EXPAND THE COURT"
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously advanced the Judicial Understaffing Delays Getting Emergencies Solved (JUDGES) Act, which would authorize 63 new permanent district court judgeships and three new temporary district court judgeships. The bill now goes to the full Senate.
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But the 5th circuit gonna suck