
I try to stay out of intra-Democrat conflict these days, but Biden's defenders underestimate how his age has become a symbol, especially for younger voters, of not just how the party has failed but all institutions. His refusal to budge validates Trump's "give up and give in" campaign message.
Hey, can you unpack what you mean by saying Trump's message is valid? It seems like you're saying he's making cogent points, and I didn't see that on the stage at all?
The message of fascists is "resistance is futile." They don't persuade, they overpower. Getting their opponents to give up requires convincing them there are no viable alternatives. Biden made that point for them.
So, this is an interesting shift of the goalposts I'd like you to reflect on; I asked you to explain how it validates *Trump's* arguments and you subtlety shifted your justification onto a generic fascist. I might think you're letting Trump's piss poor argumentation go unexamined!
Trump, on Biden: “He’s not equipped to be president. You know it and I know it. It’s ridiculous. […] We shouldn’t be having a debate about it.” Trump is right. Biden is not fit to be president for another four years. Trump is even worse, but that doesn't mean he's wrong, here. And voters know it.
Is that a cogent argument? That everyone already agrees? Why make it in that case? Should the press treat it as fact that the entire electorate, including the millions who just voted for him, can see it?
And that's before we talk about how that's different substance from "you should give up"
Fascists build a mountain of falsehoods on a single truth. Trump is saying "this guy shouldn't be president (true) so you shouldn't vote for him (false, but complicated)." It's straightforward and resonates with voters. Biden refusing to drop out confirms it further.
Is it true? I don't think so, and I certainly don't think it's self-evident based on a hoarse voice one night in June. Even if you think it's true, it's weird to concede the obviousness of it when the obvious thing is that it's controversial