
Getting up to date on what lists on I'm on, and I'm glad to see more people with Hamas targeting symbols have accused me of genocide and racism; this unironically improves my experience on this website and improves my mental health
I admit to being confused by this one; maybe someone misunderstood me using it *ironically* to describe one appealing to raw authority, but anti-authoritarianism is great and we love it here
I fully support this person removing themselves from my life, but it is hard to ignore the juxtaposition of the charge "pro-genocide" with the charge "dweeb", though I am very much one of these things
This guy uses his mute list as a harassment vector and you'd do well to Blockenheimer him Also, he's just viscerally unpleasant in a way that transcends the many disagreements we have
Little offended of being accused of claiming to support socialist causes or nationalist projects!
And the last of the new ones that amuse me, I want it known I do this all pro bono My God, what's wrong with me, but I am not a professional!
You can subject yourself to one of the greatest cognito hazards ever placed on the world wide web here, but be warned: It is like the Palntiri, only those with a strong mind can safely peer into it ClearSky
I appreciate that you are giving this warning that no one who was going to check what lists they were on is capable of heeding.
I cannot fathom why you are looking up your lists, the CIA couldn't torture me into doing so, I am plenty capable of hating myself without help.
I totally get this, but every few weeks I do it and sincerely have a good laugh
As I've said, I am definitely an insufferable scold and also now that I think about it a general party pooper, but also married with children which is related!
I personally like it when someone calls me a bigot or a zionist or an ableist or whatever but it's also either the same list or right next to another list of theirs calling me a shitlib. Really clarifies the issue you know?
I know exactly what you're talking about, see my next post!