
For context, Yglesias has written detailed threads and articles on his blog about how devastating Trump's proposed economic platform would be to the economy, inflation, and the deficit. This is the response from an NYT economics reporter.
also the simple fact of it is that Trump inherited a good economy and left a terrifying one
Right, "the economy only improved" isn't true! That "only" shouldn't be there!
by the rules of Covid Doesn’t Count he gets a mulligan on everything, apparently
Or even improved, if we are measuring day 1 to day last
I don't think any serious about economics would declare that the economy "only improved" during Trump's term, even ignoring how the economy did in fact crash after Covid. You'd want to have to dig in to at the very least the tariffs and the trade war.
That's boring and not zing-y, though.
And let’s be real. His performance pre-covid was ineffective. Trillions of $ in tax cuts pumped in to the economy for below trend line job and wage growth. Barely above trend line GDP. Ballooned the deficit by over $200B a year for all that “expansion”.
No, the Rs are Good on Economy. That is a Law, and mere accidents of history cannot disprove a Law.
This drives me nuts. Like, we have decades of evidence that every Republican is both absolutely incompetent and criminally malfeasant when it comes to the economy.
It doesn't count if Democrats help Republicans save themselves from their own stupidity, you see. If Pelosi can shepherd through CARES, you can't blame Trump for telling people to inject bleach & take deworming meds
US politics is the hard men make good times meme but for the economy. GOP inherits a good economy and proceeds to fuck it. Dems take power and patch things together but fixing things is hard and people don’t like it so GOP wins the election and inherits a good economy.
We can't expect people to abandon such core, foundational tenets of their worldview and religious beliefs as "Rs are better on the economy," Kait.