
maybe newspaper endorsements do matter!
To the extent we're able to tell (and we probably can't) it sure looks like the *debate* shift in the polls was very modest but the post-debate Dem and media freak-out shift in the polls may be somewhat larger. Still small enough that all of it could easily dissipate quickly. Or not! At any rate...
My data-free observation is that this is 80% a media-manufactured crisis.
My data-free observation is that it hit a deep and longstanding worry among most Dems both in and out of power, and everyone is variously freaking out (we may need to replace him!) or coping (it's overblown, just ignore it!).
my data-free observation is that this is kinda media-manufactured (and twitter glomming onto like 5 awful screenshots) but it got this big because it hit the big worry
Yeah - though I'm not sure the premise is true; the CNN poll is worse than the other ones, but it's also not showing any trend on its own terms; you'd have to assume Biden had gained between the last poll and this one.
Media endorsements don't much matter (in high-profile races) but media vibes do, the narrative matters. The NYT endorsed Clinton, but worked its fucking ass off all year to electioneer for Trump. Sinclair-controlled stations won't endorse at all, but their "local TV news" will hurt Biden a lot.
Not to be pollyannaish, but better this freakout come now than in September.