
sticking with Biden is the obvious correct choice until and unless Biden decides otherwise, and anyone who suggests otherwise is either dishonest, an idiot, or a handmaiden of fascism.
It's been interesting to see the consensus on this site harden in realtime around the idea that not only is sticking with Biden the obvious correct choice for Dems no matter what other facts might emerge, but that anyone who suggests otherwise is either dishonest, an idiot or a handmaiden of fascism
i think when you frame it this way it's a stronger argument. *tactically* it makes sense for anyone representing the party to publicly stand by biden until or unless he steps down, unless they think he's so hopeless that it's worth the risk of undermining him.
but at the risk of insulting some folks' self-importance, this is bluesky, not the convention stage, and nothing we skeet is of any tactical importance to speak of. so we can probably chill with the idea that anyone who posts a critical thought about biden is bringing about the fall of the republic
That's true, but I'm looking at some people's takes on this & hoping their parents don't forget someone's name, because apparently they'll be shipped off to a nursing home asap.
yeah i don't have any special knowledge of biden's condition, but what i've seen and read suggests he's still mostly with it, most of the time. but also, the bar for staying out of a nursing home seems rather different from the bar for being elected to another four years as commander in chief
That's a sane approach. I'm pretty much over people making a dementia diagnosis based on watching a 2 minute video clip & rumors from suspect sources. Biden needs to show he's got the oomph for the campaign, but at least give him week or so before writing him off.
either we will feel somewhat better or much worse by Friday