
ok so all the left and center-left have to do is figure out a coalition, no problem
French exit poll news and which seems a good sign
this is very good news and I’m unequivocally happy about it but there are still rakes in the yard
If you can zip-tie the FDP and Die Grüne together, to make a coalition work, anything is possible.
Luckily, this doesn't seem to be an Israel situation where the far right can pair up with crazy right to form a coalition.
Trotskyite Mèlechon is as insane as Marine's dad, probably won't be any problem
my understanding is that the left block is actually made up of several parties that will go their own way after the election, not sure how much of it is PS and how much Melenchon
This is the only exit poll I've seen that breaks it down by party. It looks like there's a majority that starts at the PCF and ends at Horizons for the taking, excluding LFI, the far-right, *and* the mainstream right.
well assuming PCF is the parti communiste francaise I'm not sure they will be sitting with Macron
It is, and I wouldn't be so quick to rule it out. The PCF is a basically responsible, mainstream party of government. Macronistes and even Républicains were very happy to call on voters to vote PCF against the RN. They're *not* LFI.
The front is on, what it's second alliance in two years? Just a struggle bus through and through.
PS hates the guy with a fire of a billion suns, it will be fine a test to see how long they can stay together. Also he's genuinely certifiable.
Just keep Macron out of the room
First step has to be waiting to make sure the exit polls are accurate.
Spoke to a french friend of mine who thinks this won’t happen, Macron will appoint a liberal PM who won’t have confidence of parliament, and will govern with severely reduced power unless they get votes on specific things or change their mind and form a coalition
Dammit, I was feeling so optimistic for like 30 seconds
I mean, the good way that this could turn out is that Macron (who clearly hoped things would work out this way) understands this as a mandate to tack left, and spends his later years building a durable common-enemy coalition against the right wing. (Some people REALLY want to be a statesman)
When has the left ever struggled to get along?