Lisa Song

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Lisa Song

Climate/environment reporter at ProPublica. Cartoon me by Laila Milevski. Pro-cats, anti-carrots.
I know I'm finally, truly recovering from covid because food is suddenly interesting again. I no longer want to subsist on a diet of oatmeal, fruit, bread and eggs. (I did not expect "boring foods only" as a symptom, but apparently it's a thing?)
I got covid last week for the first time (that I know of.) This summer wave is a lot. I've emailed dozens of people in the US and Europe for work reasons over the past couple days, and lost track of the number who said they recently got covid too. So, now's an extra good time to mask up...
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This is such an important story on plastics recycling. I wanted to echo Lisa's description of the games being played with "mass balance" and "free attribution" methods — the means by which the plastics industry makes weak claims about recycled plastic content — as similar to offsets.
1/ Last year, I became obsessed with a plastic cup. The cup was made via pyrolysis — a kind of chemical recycling I'd heard a lot about. The plastics industry made pyrolysis sound magical. It was a way to turn hard-to-recycle plastics into new plastic. So I tried to buy the cup…
1/ Last year, I became obsessed with a plastic cup. The cup was made via pyrolysis — a kind of chemical recycling I'd heard a lot about. The plastics industry made pyrolysis sound magical. It was a way to turn hard-to-recycle plastics into new plastic. So I tried to buy the cup…
"Their future, he said, was in the trash can." Decades ago, consumers didn't like the wastefulness of single-use plastic. Companies had to *convince* people to accept throw-away culture. It was better for the companies' profits.
Creating a throw-away culture: How companies ingrained plastics in modern Plastic has become embedded in everyday life. That’s because for the last 70 years, the plastics industry convinced consumers to embrace the material for its low cost and disposability.
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Marshall was the best. I only got to work on one story with him. It was such a quick, short article that I didn't think much of it, but Marshall made sure to punch up the outrage and accountability. He was that kind of person. I will miss him greatly.
Marshall Allen, a Tenacious Health Care Journalist, Dies at 52 Allen, who spent 10 years of his career reporting for ProPublica, was a fierce advocate for transparency and fairness in health care, guided by his strong faith and belief in honesty and integrity.
Marshall Allen, a Tenacious Health Care Journalist, Dies at Allen, who spent 10 years of his career reporting for ProPublica, was a fierce advocate for transparency and fairness in health care, guided by his strong faith and belief in honesty and integrity.
I’m at INC-4 in Ottawa, reporting on the Plastics Treaty. The conference itself is plastic-free (food sold at the venue is wrapped in paper), but these ads are plastered in the hotel next door where events are being held
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BREAKING: Secretary of State Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings, Rapes A special State Dept panel told Blinken the US should restrict arms sales to Israeli military units credibly accused of human rights abuses. He has not taken action.
Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings or A special State Department panel told Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the U.S. should restrict arms sales to Israeli military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. He ha...
Once a community becomes a hot spot for toxic air pollution, it’s nearly impossible to clean it up for good. Even in a town with tons of air monitoring data and decades of fines against polluters. My latest:
Back from vacation in Syracuse, where I spent Monday at the zoo, hoping to see animals do weird stuff during the eclipse. Alas, the colobus monkeys I stood next to were pretty chill before, during and after totality.
"The day’s raid had destroyed a facility that might have employed a dozen miners. The number of people involved in illegal mining in the Brazilian Amazon is believed to be as many as half a million." Oh man this story
The Brazilian Special-Forces Unit Fighting to Save the As miners ravage Yanomami lands, combat-trained environmentalists work to root them out.
Wow, "a quarter of Americans now live in cities and states that are taking fossil fuel companies to court, according to the Center for Climate Integrity." One of the trials is already in discovery! So curious what they find...
Big Oil faces a flood of climate lawsuits — and they're moving closer to A quarter of Americans now live in cities and states taking companies to court over lying to the public.
"The bruises on Alexandria Pittman’s body wouldn’t go away." This story starts out like a horror movie and only gets scarier from there. Incredible work by Naveena Sadasivam and Lylla Younes, two of the best reporters out there
An invisible chemical is poisoning thousands of unsuspecting warehouse Medical device warehouses can be a source of cancer-causing ethylene oxide emissions. Georgia is the only state doing anything about it.
One plastics advocacy group "provides public school teachers in at least five states a classroom video that assures students they should not feel guilty about using so much plastic because plastics actually help the environment"
The plastics industry would like a word with your School campuses are a new battleground in an increasingly bitter brawl over plastic’s impact on the environment
Astonishing, infuriating story on the consequences of abortion bans. "No states that banned abortion offer paid parental leave." So Mayron had to return to work just weeks after a major surgery. She sometimes slept in her car at the hospital where her daughter was in the NICU.
The Year After a Denied Abortion Tennessee law prohibits women from having abortions in nearly all circumstances. But once the babies are here, the state provides little help. We followed one family as they struggled to make it.
She Was Denied an Abortion After Roe Fell. This Is a Year in Her Family’s Tennessee law prohibits women from having abortions in nearly all circumstances. But once the babies are here, the state provides little help. We followed one family as they struggled to make it.
Particulate matter kills people. The EPA is finally tightening the air pollution standard: years after then-EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler refused to in Oct 2020
"About 60 babies are stillborn in the U.S. each day. This memorial symbolizes a single day of loss." Stunning work from my colleagues
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Oh boy, a lot to be wary of as biodiversity credits (~offsets) gain popularity: I wrote about one of the most extreme examples last year, a chimpanzee offset supported by the World Bank Group. Would be nice if lessons were learned
Out of The World Bank Group enabled the devastation of villages and helped a mining company justify the deaths of endangered chimps with a dubious offset.
Horrible: millions of plastics pellets from a cargo ship wash up on shore in Spain.
Thrilled to see HCN is unionizing! I have fond memories of interning there many years ago. Goats! truly the best logo