
Shannon is playing Tunic for the first time so I’m thinking about Tunic again
have you played Tunic yet. You should play fucking Tunic. I adore Tunic. I’ll never stop rolling Tunic around in my head
It’s on sale for fifteen dollars on steam tho imho I feel like playing it on the Switch (handheld mode) is like, the *ideal* way to do it. Tho rn it’s not on sale on the switch, so it’s $30 there.
👀 looks at my steam deck…..I’ve been itching to play smth new and maybe it’s finally time for tunic
I don’t know enough about steam deck optimization to know how well it works on there but, tunic itself I recommend with my whole being
it looks like it’s steam deck verified which is usually a good sign that it runs ok! I shall pick it up then!!! I was intimidated by it for so long because everyone said it’s really hard but I really want to experience it
It’s got some light souls like elements (you drop some money when you die that you can try to go recover) and the combat is punishing at times but there are really good accessibility options to take the edge off!
Please!! It’s worth getting over the hurdle! Also, don’t shy away from the accessibility options! They don’t take away from the experience, you just end up punishing yourself less. If a fight stops being fun, that’s a good time to think about an adjustment
if i may make the case for tunic on PC tho, it would be that you can put a randomizer mod and give it a lot more replay value.
i struggled with the combat in tunic a bit, but maybe i should give it another go soon
Please!! It’s worth getting over the hurdle! Also, don’t shy away from the accessibility options! They don’t take away from the experience, you just end up punishing yourself less. If a fight stops being fun, that’s a good time to think about an adjustment
I wouldnt suggest turning on No Fail mode and then playing through the whole game like that but its there if something is giving you particular trouble And I'll catch flack for this but let's be real; Souls combat sucks. No shame in not wanting to deal with a boss thats just learning when to iframe
tunic is so so good, i’m in the middle of a big ol’ jrpg right now but i’ve been wanting to go back for a replay on switch
TUNIC IS SO GOOD. I want to erase it fully from my mind just so I can play it fresh again.
All I can do now is encourage my friends to play, and to talk to me about it 🤭
Oh we’re talking about Tunic? The Golden Path??? Yes?!?!
Oooh I’m working on Planet of Lana but that looks like something I wanna play
I’m serious, bookmark it. It’s a contender for my all-time favorite
I couldn't get into it. I think it was something about the aesthetic. Too bad, since I feel like I'm missing out
what sort of game is it? i'm going to have some time next weekend so i've been pondering what i might do
it plays like a top-down Zelda game with gorgeous low-poly art and excellent music. You collect pages of the game manual in-game though they’re mostly written in a strange runic language.
The fun is exploring the world but also piecing together the story based on the often incomplete information you’re given in the manual. The story itself and even the functionality of the game systems is part of the puzzle.
i am two bosses deep and yes, this game is sick
Back in 1998 I played my "favourite game of all time". Then earlier this year I played TUNIC and now I have two singular favourite games of all time.
I've never played it but it looks beautiful and I have frequently dived into the OST for working!
the OST is so beautiful. Did you know there’s hidden messages encoded in it? Anyway you should play the game istg
Wah! I had no idea!! It's definitely on my (very huge) list of games to play next!
this is making me want to finally play tunic
it’s always a good time to rotate Tunic in your mind