
the police executed this child in the streets of utica because they are a paranoid, violent baronial class that would rather kill kids than potentially risking their lives for a split second
this story breaks my heart. if uvalde didn’t show americans the dangers of what we are dealing with, what will?
Clearly, Sandy Hook will... ... I mean, CLEARLY Columbine will... ... I mean, CLEARLY Marjory Stoneman-Douglass will... ... I mean, CLEARLY the Virginia Tech shootings will... ... I mean, CLEARLY Parkland....
“13 yo shot by police after brandishing replica gun” vs “13yo shot while subdued” is a wild fucking difference and should not be buried at the end of Headline - tagline - photo - caption - byline - last line of the third fucking paragraph
“I did not see anger. I saw three officers attempting to perform their jobs,” [Utica Mayor Michael Galime] said. A police officer shot a 13-year old boy dead while the boy was being held down by two other officers. Who said he had to be angry?
recalling when a general being questioned about shall we say “aggressive” tactics said “the life of one of my troops is worth more than the lives of a thousand afghani civilians” and you better believe cops are trained to see the US population the same way
there's a whole flag about it!
If only the kid had a gun to protect itself from the bad guys.
while this killing is 100% the fault of the police, the kid had a pellet gun, which is why i tell parents to not let their kids play with them unsupervised. it’s an excuse for police to shoot your kid, especially if they are POC
As a non American their gun laws in general are odd, and insane outcry isn't bigger. But even stranger it seems people seem to make less of a connection that a lot of police (and police violence) problems would also be solved with the absence of guns for the masses.
This is Tamir Rice all over. He didn't run, and was still executed. There is no action a child of color can take to protect them from being murdered by US police.
Totally cause if you don't want excessive gun deaths the best thing to do is to not listen to the people and countries who don't deal with excessive gun deaths.
Let's call it what it is: murder. An execution is a legal act. That's the origin of the term: to execute the duly-passed sentence, to execute the law. It's a formal-sounding euphemism for the fact that we're killing someone, but at least it's legal. This is murder. It's completely extralegal.