Desiccated Cephalopod

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Desiccated Cephalopod

Basic white boy, add avocado for just $2

Aspire to be as popular as that damn bear in the woods
Because all of Boeing’s issue are due to not controlling enough of the market and production process. I’m sure the hatchet job Boeing does to their operations will have zero effect on quality and safety
@Reuters: Boeing said it will buy its supplier Spirit Aerosystems for $4.7 billion. The US planemaker moved after a crisis caused by a mid-air blowout on a 737 MAX jet led to questions over quality
You know how lots of ATMs let you pull out $5s or $10s in addition to $20s? In the neighborhood I’m grabbing lunch in, my bank’s atm offers $20s or $100s just in case I wanted another reminder of the primary demo here
Got myself a nugget ice maker so at least the drinks are cool in this dumpster fire
Every AI company says “AI could be dangerous, but *we* are building ours ethically” and their origin is always internet crime
This just in - Sam Altman saw Oppenheimer but learned nothing
@NBCNightlyNews: Sam Altman has compared the work he is leading at OpenAI to The Manhattan Project’s creation of the atomic bomb — saying the work to develop Artificial General Intelligence will have historic impact. @LesterHoltNBC talks to Altman at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
At the pool and it’s kinda raining and everyone is running under the patio cover - like, what, are you afraid to get wet?
Avatar can you recommend some good resources for talking with teenagers about lgbtqia+ rights and support? I have a 14yo boy who is coming home with debunked Q-ish stories and I’m getting exhausted trying to keep up. “No there aren’t litter boxes in schools for fucks sake”
Made my brownies in a donut pan to ruin the corner vs middle debate. Nobody gets what they want. Except me, of course, because I’m eating brownies.
Going to take a break from the word site to go scroll the picture site. I might even scroll the video site later.
My jaw’s so tight you can bounce a quarter off my teeth
*jaw drops. tampon falls out*
Absolutely ludicrous. Do not want.
So Windows Recall takes screenshots every few seconds, OCR's them, and then stores all that in plaintext in a SQLlite database. It's impossible to understate how much of a security issue this is. Easily compromised spyware installed by your OS!
Windows feature that screenshots everything labeled a security “disaster” Windows 11’s new Recall feature faces privacy and security concerns.
As we read about the guilty verdict today and the GOP responses, another reminder of what’s at stake. They are coming for immigrants (legal or no), birth control, and divorce next.
How the GOP Learned to Hate Divorce, From dudes on podcasts to party platforms: This year no-fault divorce came roaring back into the mainstream of Republican politics.
Love chilling at the pool as the NWS emergency broadcast system interrupts the radio for a tornado warning. 😅‼️🌪️ (Outside of our area but still the vibes are 🌩️)
Kicking off the holiday weekend by honoring the Greek god of summer, Popsicles 🍡🍦🍭
Watching Maggie Mae Fish say anyone can be a hero, unless your name is Brian is a great corollary to my own rule, “there are no good Kevins”. If you’re a Kevin or a Brian, it’s not your fault, but it’s not false
Dude, I think your potatoes are going bad…
Kartoffelsack nach 2 Wochen
If the reason for [bad thing in America] isn’t Ronald Reagan, then it’s almost always private equity vampires
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
Guy sitting in the next cubicle, sadly talking to himself: “oh no, if I give up dairy I’ll have to give up cookies… because cookies have dairy in them?” 🍪🥛
“The student left is the most reliably correct constituency in America. Over the past 60 years, it has passed every great moral test American foreign policy has forced upon the public, including the Vietnam war, the question of relations with apartheid South Africa, and the Iraq war.”
I wrote about the protests.