A(n In)Famous Historian

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A(n In)Famous Historian


Scholar of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Canada, Conscription/Conscientious Objection, and Migration. Episcopalian. Interested in but don't work in Science and Technology Studies.
I don't bet, but seeing how odds move is kind of interesting and how is CC -600 for RotY on Fanduel and Angel Reese is only +370?
Who's the silent killer for the Aces of LV? J-A-C K-I-E Y-O-U-N-G
every syllable is a negotiation--which, to my mind, demonstrates a kind of mental limberness many of us could envy.
oh shit danica patrick is actually batshit insane
give me an American Rory Stewart but without the bizarre love for the monarchy and honours system
For now, it remains the case that a US team has won the Grey Cup more recently than a Canadian team has won the Stanley Cup. I will be VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU, AMERICA if that is no longer the case at the end of this month. (I realize there are only a handful of Americans on the Panthers' roster)
Sometimes I wonder how Kelly Loeffler thought it would end for someone with her regressive mentality owning a team in the literal gayest sports league on the planet...
dear god brandi carlile is so good
Labour have a chance to do the funniest thing ever and add abolition of the monarchy to their manifesto for the July 4 general election
Love to have 20 something Brits lecture us about the failures of American progressives while rationing heating oil and letting JK Rowling decide medical policies on twitter
Two games and 95 points, my decision to draft Jackie Young first overall is paying off so far!
If you've ever wondered what a water park in Best Korea looks like:
How do Leverkusen keep doing this?
it's wild that the least problematic NYC mayor in recent memory is Michael Bloomberg
A protest that doesn’t directly highlight the injustice (e.g. civil rights movement’s lunch counter sit-ins and marches into police brutality) OR take the fight directly to people in power (e.g. ACT UP storming the NIH) is mostly performative Campus protests about non-campus issues do neither
In particular, the "complicating factors" are (a) important, and (b) not discussed enough. What's happening in Gaza is bad; most of the immediately-satisfying courses of action within the US's power to take would likely have second-order consequences that are much *worse*.
Seriously, why would anyone expect him to? Biden knows these things: what is going on in Gaza; what the complicating factors are; what his reasonable options are; and that there are a lot of people on the left who are really not happy with the policy. These protests provide zero new information.
The House has approved the aid. Once the Senate has its vote, that's $60 billion more for Ukraine.
I feel like something that gets lost in the discussion of potential advanced or spacefaring extrterrestrial discussions, at least the ones I've seen, is access to semiconducting materials.
What is so difficult about just giving Ukraine everything they ask for?
Young progressives in blue states have an agenda. It will take large Democratic majorities to pass their agenda. To get large majorities, Dems will need a moderate platform to appeal to voters in the South and Midwest. Progressives push the platform left, don’t vote anyway, then complain.
petition to claim Battle Hymn of the Republic as the woke National Anthem
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a motion to vacate preempt all other business until it's resolved? Because if so, then here's the thing: if this were *really* about stalling the CR, she could have filed it *before* it was voted on, thus derailing it at least temporarily.
This is going to be a mess but also it kind of looks like a penis.
Q: Who is Hanson's favorite soccer player? A: Kylian Mmm-bop-pe!
Wordle 991 4/6 ⬜🟨🟨🟨⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟨🟨 🟨🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 WordleBot Skill 88/99 Luck 54/99
Today in white fragility: Sam Kerr charged with "racially aggravated harassment" for calling a cop a "stupid white bastard"
Wordle 990 6/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 WordleBot Skill 96/99 Luck 17/99