
You know what, Biden should go on TV and say "if the Court is going to be reviewing so many administrative regulations, it's going to need to be a whole lot larger. Going to need *puts finger in the air* idk, 5 or 6 justices"
You know I am mostly not a fan of giving putatively-neutral justifications for court-packing, but I'll allow this one, the trolling value is A+
like you'd be saying it as a "fuck you, if war it is, so be it" but intentionally phrased so everyone hears that without saying it
IIRC FDR curbed an activist court with just the threat of packing and also there's the fact that when the Supreme Court was revised to 9 Justices it was because at the time there was 9 Circuits. There's more now and a simple rationale to argue increasing it.