
You know what, Biden should go on TV and say "if the Court is going to be reviewing so many administrative regulations, it's going to need to be a whole lot larger. Going to need *puts finger in the air* idk, 5 or 6 justices"
“maybe expand a few circuits while we’re at it, feels like the fifth could use some help with their caseload”
If NDTX is so clearly overworked, it's only fair to help them out
I just want Reed and Matt to be able to spend some more time with their families, work-life balance is important
"That they keep getting overturned suggests they really need some help"
But it seems Biden has surrounded himself with don't-rock-the-boat status-quo people who are so risk averse they wouldn't throw water on a fire in case they'd get electric shock 🙄
Biden should do a lot of things.
Yeah but he intentionally won’t. We know this.
Starting with f’n taking some cold medication before he goes on TV…
Oh, wow, the debate news cycle really is over; we're already back to "Biden should go on TV as the party leader" as the theory of Democratic messaging
Biden’s biggest disappointment for me to date has been on the SCOTUS. He’s been a coward who refused to acknowledge what was plainly obviously happening. If today wakes him up, that’s great, but I’m not optimistic
You know I am mostly not a fan of giving putatively-neutral justifications for court-packing, but I'll allow this one, the trolling value is A+
like you'd be saying it as a "fuck you, if war it is, so be it" but intentionally phrased so everyone hears that without saying it
IIRC FDR curbed an activist court with just the threat of packing and also there's the fact that when the Supreme Court was revised to 9 Justices it was because at the time there was 9 Circuits. There's more now and a simple rationale to argue increasing it.
ha ha same thought
without deference, you need more judges - and a larger supreme court.
haha honored to be in distinguished company on this :)
That was the thing to do on day one, not day 1331. Joe Biden has always been Mr. Too Little Too Late.
The road to fascism has historically been paved by milquetoast centrists who [sensible voice on] just can't believe they'll actually behave like that - it's just rhetoric/they'll come to their senses/the system will constrain them/...
All anyone needs to know about how little concern Joe Biden has about corrupt Republicans destroying the country and about how little effort he's put into defeating the rising American fascism is that Louis DeJoy still runs the post office. Pathetic all the way around.
The reason Biden hasn’t done this is because no matter team red or team blue, they all work for the same people, and it’s never me and you.
I'm thinking 5 or 6 new circuits.
Nominee confirmations for the extra benches would cease in the senate. POTUS would try to do recess administrative appointments & might get a bunch seated. If Repugnakins control the senate whoever is the majority leader would never recess.
I’ll up my ante: make sure 2 are communists
Idk if America is ready for 2 Bruenigs on the court.
Shit, I'd settle for a public defender
538 to bring balance
In an alternate timeline, this press conference is happening right now. *feverishly Googling how to jump to adjacent timelines*
Exactly right. But I think you're thinking in too small of terms. It's going to need to be every court from top to bottom.
Courts are not setup to be regulatory agencies. Courts are not setup for the minutia of regulatory decisions. I think the chevron ruling requires we expand the benches across the board. We can't wait six months for each level of the court to hear and decide a case. Start packing.
Moving forward, cases will need to be heard and decided 12 months a year. We can't have these relatively short terms when it comes to regulatory actions. Like, even if they render /bad/ decisions, they need to be significantly quicker.
Yes this is what he SHOULD do, but there's very little indication that he even understands the scope of the problem, much less supports the kind of solutions that will be necessary.
I mean, in the end it's his election. Nobody on bluesky is going to post him into taking the gloves off and making a serious attempt to turn the tide of an election campaign he's currently screwing up
more than ever it feels really important that the party do everything it can to remain in power, rather than deferring to internal courtesy & decorum & going 'aw shucks, we'll get em next time' if they lose. but i get that also isnt something we can change too.
He should straight up appoint another 9. Don't just ensure that the current illegitimate majority can be overruled, make sure that the court has a strong liberal bent for a whole generation. That's the game that the right-wingers are playing.
There is a genuinely good argument for that kind of restructuring. E.g. make SCOTUS a much larger pool of a dozen justices, with maybe 5 randomly selected justices sitting a panel for a given case. Gives them a whole lot more bandwidth and makes it much harder to game the courts.
Oops. That should have been "pool of a dozen *plus* justices," but I think the gist was clear.
"And they're all women"
Great idea just don’t think Biden should be going near may tv camera for a bit…sigh…not the best messenger as of late
I think the opposite. He should be going on TV a lot, ideally to announce big new policies
Considering SCOTUS just said that they are the only ones who get to interpret nuance of regulation, he needs to appoint a bunch of new justices to help with the workload.
"I am honored to submit to the senate all of my current agency regulators to be federal judges in the newly founded circuit for administrative law"
Plus, here are 22 new SCOTUS justices to help with all of the really thorny issues that the administrative circuit can't resolve.
I mean, you’d need this circuit, right? The case load alone…
I agree. I actually think last night was so much worse because he hasn't been on TV much.
Someone on here described the debate prep as, "people will be thrown aback when they see that Trump has been weekend-at-Bernie'ing this whole time!" She got it right but flipped the candidates. So now Biden needs to be out there every day looking like Superman to change the perception.
And if he literally cannot do that, because this really is what he's like every day now, then well, I guess we should see that too and decide how to vote accordingly.