
Supreme Court rules 6-3 American Revolutionary War was incorrectly decided
If that means a return to a parliamentary system of government for the US, I'd take it!
Not that many parliaments are doing a fantastic job globally right now either, tho I do have a soft spot for them
Our system is done and I think we need to stop pretending that there is something left to salvage. No matter what we vote in November it's clear we no longer operate under rules and laws and are no longer a democracy in any sense of the word. Time for us to accept America's 1st democracy failed.
Technically we’re already on our second. The first failed nearly immediately.
think you can make some non-trivial claims to there being a few discontinuities
colonial era != continental congress era != founding era != reconstruction era != preera != interwar era != cold war era != post-cold war era != current era; tho folks can draw the lines in different places
(the value of seeing it this way is also a recognition that each generation gets to pick their own future; the United States is not tied to its past; it is shackled to it only to the extent it chooses to continue to be, not out of any inevitability)
the other, tho admittedly darker, value is also in recognizing that shock changes can happen quickly, change the nature of the government and its relationship to the citzenry in ways that are negative, as well as positive, and that it doesn't *ever* "bounce back". It always evolves forwards.
Yeah but that’s like … useful. No one told me we were trying to be useful!