
I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
It blows my mind that people revere General Lee at all. He was not good at his job.
yes, but he was brutal to black slaves, and that's more important for those people
Colonel Lee. He was never an American general.
decades of PR boosting you everywhere will do that. Its also why JFK is remembered as a great president.
He was very good whenever Stonewall Jackson was brilliant. Without Jackson, he got lucky several times with inept Union generalship. His leadership at Gettysburg was just not good at all.
Pretty much. Many believe if Jackson had been alive for Gettysburg the Union probably would have been routed on the first day. Good thing he wasn't -- Lee floundered without him.
Jackson would probably have thrown everything into an assault on Culp's Hill. Routing Howard's forces would then have turned the whole Union right flank. There was plenty of daylight, so a full-on collapse would have been likely. Though with no Stuart, pursuit would have been problematic.