
Society if “I don’t know” was considered an acceptable answer among politics posters
I can’t imagine asserting with unwavering confidence that I knew who was or wasn’t the best candidate against Trump.
I try to say “I don’t know” a lot in my seminars *precisely* to teach students that it’s not only okay, it’s a goods thing.
The 0 humility is extremely illuminating
If ever, there was a case of those not remembering history being destined to repeat it, this is it. Somebody might want to remind them to go take a look at what happened when LBJ folded. Spoiler alert: bloody convention, and a losing campaign to Nixon.
There was an LBC panel at the start of the UK election when Darren Jones said it in response to a question on repealing voter ID… The hostility on the panel instantly evaporated and they joked that maybe someone will text him, which they did and he proudly announced “ooh! I’ve got my lines”.