
It's worth mentioning, I think, that the only reason we have to go through this constant exhausting effort to prove our worth to live in the world is because a small group of billionaires have ginned up a public hate campaign against us, as the spearhead of a movement to roll back social progress.
I cannot begin to imagine how absolutely exhausting it must be for trans people to have to continue to remind everyone that their intrinsic human right to live authentically and fully does not depend on the “approval” of anyone else
The richest people on earth believe they can create so much hatred and disgust for trans folks that it can be used to roll back women's rights, queer rights, privacy rights, rights to public education, rights to free assembly. It's all the same fight. I wish more of y'all saw that.
And this is what I hit on in this years Dyke March committee speech. The fight against racism, transphobia, misogyny, the fight for reproductive rights and gender rights, the fight against genocide - it’s all one fight, and we win it by SHOWING UP FOR EACH OTHER, ALWAYS. Solidarity is our power.
Committee Speech at Boston Dyke March Anna Phylaxis and Hamel present the Dyke March Committee Speech at Boston Dyke March 2024Boston Dyke March:
IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE SAME FIGHT An attack one one of us is an attack on all of us. WE ARE ALL HUMANS Some of us will have less, some of us will have more, and that's okay as long as we all have enough with some extra to grow on. Anyone who doesn't have that is under attack.
on a total side note its not outside of the realm of possibility that in the future we may no longer be the only intelligent life form and we may have to redefine what life is, what it means to be human, and all sorts of shit... so you know mentally prepare yourself for that, no future bigotry!
The "fascist" & "racist" labels have become so toxic that all but the most overt fascists and racists are uncomfortable with them, so they had to find a wedge issue that didn't have the historical baggage. Of course they also couched it in "for the children" language.
Democracy and the leadership oversight that comes with it is the real enemy of this kind of billionaire.
is it, in practice? you don't mean the kind we have in the US, do you?
I doubt most people even realize they know a trans person. Alabama made laws about trans people in school, though there has never been a relevant incident -- no trans in bathrooms and no trans applying for sports team. The laws made were just politics.
They see it as "getting ahead of the game". Making sure that is and when it does come up, the policies are in place.
I think they see it more as a hyper-embracing of the R party stance on transgender. AL always tries to stay right of anyone else.
Oh take a look at Texas. They complain about federal control and how it limits them but yet when cities do things to help their residents, Texas Republicans do everything they can to make sure their (the cities) powers are limited.
That is so true. I've been thankful for the federal government in deep red states. People in them get all their rights from the federal government. When the fed govt loosens the control, these states rapidly swing far right as cruelly as they can. It's like there is a streak of sadism in them.
They just entrench themselves deeper and deeper. They don't care who they hurt as long as the people they're targeting are part of it.
I’ve been listening to this podcast called through line lately and it has some cringe but it’s revealing how much social progress we lost or missed simply because we let a billionaires obvious smear campaign go unchecked. We should be smart enough today to be able to point that out and then win.
Like people are so aware of media bias and neoliberalism and stuff that I think connecting the literal conspiracies of rich people making astroturfed movements to everything bad that has ever happened in America seems like it could be a winning message and way to educate people to inoculate them.
Every day more reason we should rebuild the guillotines...
Is not only that but also lots of allies whose support was only base on out existence being quiet and non disturbing to them. They quickly sold out any camaraderie the moment it proved to hard to make the minimal effort required, just see the clusterfuck of last year, specially around certain game.
And this goes for queer and non queer allies, cis people I've seen would for the most part let us be hang by these billionare hate campaigns just to be allowed to play whatever game they want without feeling bad.
Doesn't help that in my country the general prosecutor of the republic, a gay man, has called trans people pedophiles and wishes to make us illegal. With each passing year I've lost lots of trust towards cis people's real willingness and care. Being trans at this point just feels isolated.
I trust my friends as that is that... but random cis people on the street? Not so much nowdays. And that fucking sucks.... and honestly is probably part of their whole plan to divide us.
assimilationists always behave this way, unfortunately