
I'm going to say this as plainly and simply as I can: If you're going to question people's dedication to a cause because they disagree with you about the effectiveness of one aspect of one tactic you are trying to use, you need to go fuck yourself. Vigorously, and unto the seventh generation.
This is a delightfully vague tweet
YES! I detest those people. I will also add to this: If you question someone’s dedication to a cause because they do not want to debate you, go fuck yourself. I don’t need to prove my dedication to gatekeeping arses like yourself. (Again all global you, not you specifically Mike)
can we simply salt the family tree?
you'd think 6 generations would be enough
I disagree! I'd argue for at least eight. And your characteristic namby-pambyism on this issue means that you're wrong about everything that you've ever written, said, or even thought, and some things that you haven't thought, but I'll claim that you did anyway! Also, you kids get off my lawn.
Fuck you! You’re clearly just clout chasing, and not truly dedicated to the cause! In this thread I will…
For some reason, this reminds of the old word "breechclout"--which, nowadays, doesn't seem to mean what it actually means.