Ollie - Obstreperous Young Lady🦇🦄

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Ollie - Obstreperous Young Lady🦇🦄


Stabber of things. Fan of the Oxford comma. Trying to do better. So very tired.
Discord: MidnightPumpkin. (<- include the dot ;-))
Insta: stabber_of_things

Medtwitter/Medsky feed: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:v336bgjhyj5suvc6ds5vkckg/feed/a
Climate scientists: "Crypto mining is causing power outages and increased emissions." AI: "Hold my beer with your seven fingered, two thumbed handfoot."
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Why am I hung over when I didn't even drink? Hmmm...
Had to come home early, because I forgot to eat all day and got woozy. Oops! Oh well... falling face first into a bag of doritos and cheese dip is almost as good as a night of [redacted]. Right? RIGHT??
I think the case is haunted! 😱 WHAT DID I DO??
And done... Gosh, I'm finally working my way through some projects I've had on my list for literal years! 😅 Gotta love productive procrastination! ;-)
New phone case incoming!! The old one has been falling apart forever, so I dug out this old marbling experiment for a new one. :-) It is time!
Thanks google. So very helpful. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
New phone case incoming!! The old one has been falling apart forever, so I dug out this old marbling experiment for a new one. :-) It is time!
Without downloading new pics, what is it like to date you?
Without downloading new pics what is it like to date you.
OK bedtime. Night night, lovelies! Be safe out there! 💜
Another one finished and going to its new home soon!
In case you were wondering!
0 sharks ever have been killed to supply $5 bags of shark teeth at beachside stores. Sharks lose teeth constantly their whole lives. You can find them on beaches.
Going to bed. Someone please yell at me if I show up here again, before tomorrow morning? Good night, lovely people! Be good (at being bad!)
Frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack.
Frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack.
I am the night, but I'll also hold your keys. Quick evening project out of scrap leather and now I don't have to worry about my phone lens getting all scratched up in the bag...
Drowning pesky feelings in ice cream! This is the way.
There were 14 years between my previous relationship and the one that ended yesterday. Before that it was something like 7. I wonder how long it's going to take me this time... 21? Maybe it's time to throw in the towel and embrace single dog lady/ cottage witch as my only life goal!
And then, on my walk to clear my head, some rando comes up and tells me I'm overfeeding Thyra and I need to control her intake, because dogs don't know when to stop. WTF?! If people keep peopleing like that, I'll need one of you to come get me, before I end up in jail! I mean look at her! 😍
Guess who's company has switched their entire first line support to AI. And guess who's company's AI bots are not creating support tickets, because they don't understand the nuances of service requests?!
This week is starting with me locked out of my work computer, so I have to work on my personal one and I hate it. It'll need a thorough cleansing ritual to get the corporate ick off it again!
Back to the single life... Going to take a quick breath and then.... SHENANIGANS!
Just looked at my cookbook bookmarks and can't help but wonder where I fit in on the bookmark alignment chart that's been going around... 😬😂 When I say I am Chaos....
This week is starting with me locked out of my work computer, so I have to work on my personal one and I hate it. It'll need a thorough cleansing ritual to get the corporate ick off it again!
In completely shocking news: I need to go to bed in 3 hours ago, so... this is not ideal. 😬 But tomorrow will not be a fun day for a few reasons and so I don't want today to be over! 😭😭
So many things to criticise her for... not having kids isn't one of them. Nor is not being married...
"At 34, Swift remains unmarried and childless... We must ask if her personal life choices are ones we want our sisters and daughters to emulate." - John Mac Ghlionn (also writes for Gript, Spiked!, The Spectator, Mail, American Conservative, Unherd, etc. etc.) newsweek.com/taylor-swift-not…
Taylor Swift Is Not a Good Role Modelwww.newsweek.com Taylor Swift is now the most influential celebrity in America. Her popularity is staggering, and her position as a cultural colossus is unquestionable.
Good IT is like Klingon anatomy! All the important bits come with redundancies!